Connection, Caring, Goals and Dreams with Dr. Jan Hoistad and Big Picture Partnering: 16 Weeks to a Rock-solid Relationship

Dr. Jan Hoistad’s book Big Picture Partnering: 16 weeks to a rock-solid relationship is a superlative roadmap to the Big Picture for your life, love, family and happiness. Do you lack a feeling of closeness and connectedness with your partner? Do you have dreams that are unfulfilled and seem remote and impossible? Does your family lurch along from one chronic quarrel topic to the next? Are you unhappy in your choices in love and life because you do not feel loved, valued and cared about? Do you wish your partner would listen to you and really understand you?

Dr. Jan Hoistad has met many couples who answer “yes” to some or all of the above questions. Moreover, Dr. Hoistad, a psychologist, has spent twenty-five years helping these same couples learn to see the Big Picture in love and life. With the process of Big Picture Partnering before them, these couples have gone forward to create rock-solid loves and families in which caring, affection and appreciation are given and received; in which disagreements lead to creativity and accord; in which needs and feelings are heard and met and understood; in which dreams come true; and, most importantly, in which love has ripened into connectedness and caring on a rock-solid foundation.

Principles that Dr. Hoistad has been teaching in private session to a select few clients are now available to any and all in a book called Big Picture Partnering: 16 weeks to a rock-solid relationship. In it, Dr. Hoistad takes the reader step by step through a concrete plan for going from “I’m not happy and think I made a mistake in this relationship” to “I feel connected and fulfilled and see that my dreams, needs and desires are all being valued and met, and I am happy in my choice in this relationship.”

In paving the way to a rock-solid relationship, Dr. Hoistad shatters some ofttimes dearly held notions about the inner workings of American partnering relationships. For instance, first, she draws the line at “no fighting.” All fights must be suspended while the partners focus on developing the tools for a Big Picture. Second, Dr. Hoistad insists on verbal expressions of love and affection through regularly scheduled conversations which draw on the shared areas of interest that brought the partners together in the first place. Third, she presses the necessity of taking turns listening intently and speaking your piece: each partner gets a turn expressing thoughts and feelings followed by a turn at listening wholeheartedly to what the other has to say. Fourth, Dr. Hoistad requires each partner to take the initiative in demonstrations of concrete acts of caring: “love is a verb.” Fifth, Dr. Hoistad points the way to using exploration of strengths to find a synthesis of creativity and unity in the midst of differences.

These, and the many other steps presented by Dr. Jan Hoistad in Big Picture Partnering: 16 weeks to a rock-solid relationship, will be a help and benefit to any relationship (or individual, for that matter). Anyone who has any disappointments, dreams, aspirations, hopes, regrets, sorrows, plans, visions of a future of happiness and cooperation is the right person to read this book. Big Picture Partnering does not have a social status bias: there are no social barriers to effectively using Big Picture Partnering. No class-restricted psychology is used as the underpinning in Big Picture Partnering: blue collar, white collar and upper echelon professionals can all successfully use Big Picture Partnering. There are no limits to the ideas that can be pursued within Big Picture Partnering: it is suited to you even if your current highest dream is to attain your GED because you left school too soon. The one and only proviso to benefiting from Big Picture Partnering: 16 weeks to a rock-solid relationship is that you must be willing to talk and listen, think seriously and read the book – or listen while it is read to you.

Dr. Hoistad also provides elegantly worded and crafted Conversation Cards to facilitate thought and conversation. Workbooks can also be had that accompany the simple and clearly stated step by step process of going from, “This is not what I wanted, and I am not happy,” to “My partnership is connected, affectionate, creative and what I always hoped for.” Dr. Hoistad’s website, or, answers questions and offers many exciting options for facilitating your Big Picture Partnering.

Some of these options are a “free 20-minute conversation with Dr. Jan,” opportunities for in-person or on-line classes on Big Picture Partnering, a Dr. Jan quarterly newsletter and free gift of PDF instructions for Regular Talking, Taking Turns – the tool for talking with and listening to your partner – plus many other opportunities like audio and video interviews and information.

Besides all this, Dr Jan Hoistad is remarkably accessible through e-mail or via telephone. Her e-mail address and phone number are both prominently listed on her website, or

Big Picture Partnering: 16 weeks to a rock-solid relationship can be ordered from Dr. Jan Hoistad’s website at under “Books & Products” or “Enter Here.” A detailed biography of Dr. Hoistad’s background and credentials is presented under “About Dr. Jan” with interviews under “Press” and audio clips under “Enter Here.” Make it a point to Enter Here and avail yourself of Big Picture Partnering and a rock-solid relationship in sixteen weeks.

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