Writing Your Dreams, Finding Your Path

The first step to achieving your dreams is to dream them. Unless you have a dream to pursue, you’ll likely feel unmotivated, unfulfilled, and tetherless. Not only that, but because you have nothing to work towards, you are most likely condemned to mediocrity at best. Finding a dream can give you direction and forward momentum in your life and in your career.

Fostering Big Dreams in your life-that is, dreams that seem impossible and are based in your passions-can give you a focus in your life and provide inspiration to get you through the humdrum of everyday responsibilities. Dreaming Big is not easy, though. One way to help you cultivate Big Dreams is by starting a journal for Big Dreams.

Keeping a Big Dream journal can help you mine your thoughts for dreams and flesh out the dreams you have to make them more real to you. A Big Dream journal is a place for you to write down all the things that you would be or do if your possibilities were limitless. Because a Big Dream journal is meant to open your mind up to the infinite possibilities of your life, there aren’t any rules. Below are some tips on how to make your Big Dream journal work for you.

1. Make it yours. Your Big Dream journal should be what you find inspiring. It does not have to be fancy or expensive. Some people prefer to use spiral notebooks they pick up at the dollar store; others prefer expensive journals with decorative covers and inspirational quotes; still others like to use unlined artist sketchbooks to free their creative side. Likewise, there are no rules about what you will write with. Pick a writing tool that you enjoy using: colored pencils, a favorite ballpoint, a fountain pen, or anything else that gets you going. The point of a Big Dream journal is to open yourself up to possibilities, so go with your gut instinct.

2. Avoid absolutes. As you’re dreaming, try not to think or write words like “never,” “always,” or “none.” These words, and others like them, are roadblocks that keep you from exploring all your options. Instead, focus on the myriad of situations you can come across or create for yourself. Using words that foster possibilities, instead of absolute words which cut them off, will open up your dreams and may lead you to new dreams.

3. Break down fences. The strongest stone can be broken down by the relentlessness of water or the power of the smallest stick of dynamite. Let yourself believe-really believe-that anything is possible. Don’t let what you think is possible or not possible (or what you think you should or should not do) get in the way of your Big Dreams. Break down any fences in your way and run through the meadow of possibilities.

4. Keep it sacred. Your Big Dream journal should be a special place and treated as such. Avoid throwing it at the bottom of a bag or using it as a coaster. You don’t have to keep it pristine, but remember that the way you treat your Big Dream journal is a reflection on the way you think about your dreams. Besides, keeping it nice will make you more excited (and more likely) to continue working with it.

5. Use it. Everyday. Enough said.

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