Pregnancy, Constipation, and Hemorrhoids

Constipation and Hemorrhoids

Women suffer more than men with constipation and hemorrhoids. And women who are pregnant will suffer even more so. To know how to prevent either constipation or hemorrhoids you should know why pregnant women develop either one.

Reasons for constipation

* The hormone called progesterone found in pregnant women will cause your stomach activity to slow down. This in turn will cause the stools to sit in your large intestine and become harder and drier.
* Taking prenatal vitamins that contains iron will cause constipation. Also there are certain antacids and calcium pills that will cause the constipation.
* When your uterus becomes larger, it may press on your stomach or bowel and therefore not allow the stool to pass through your system.

Try getting relief the natural way

Before you try any drugs or other medications, try the following;
* Do your exercises on a regular basis and drink plenty of water. You should drink at least 8-8oz glasses of water each day. Juices are also great to keep your stomach moving, but you still need to drink your 8 glasses of water.
* Eat more foods that are rich in fiber. Such as fruits, vegetables and cereals that are high in fiber.
* Fiber supplements are safe to use everyday, even when you are pregnant.
* Prunes and prune juice are also very good in relieving constipation

Other methods

Products that are considered to be stool softeners or mild laxatives are also safe to use every day. But do avoid taking products that have simulants in them.

Some don’ts

Don’t use mineral oil to relieve your constipation. The mineral oil might prevent your body from being able to absorb all the nutrients. Caster oil is another item to avoid. It may cause early contractions in the uterus.


To avoid constipation may be a start to avoiding hemorrhoids. Since, after all, hemorrhoids are caused by straining to have a bowel movement and the pressure of your baby. Besides the above listed suggestions for relieving constipation, here are a few more tips on preventing hemorrhoids from flaring up.
* Do not stand for any extended time
* Try putting your feet up throughout the day
* Take warm sitz baths
* Use ice to take any swelling down
* Try not to do any moderate or heavy lifting

If you are still having problems with either hemorrhoids or constipation tell your doctor. He or she will be your guide to help you overcome this problem. Good luck

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