75 Fabulous Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight is tough! It is a struggle many of us go through. More Americans are overweight today than ever before. But, if you are overweight, losing weight is important for many reasons. First of all, it makes you look and feel better. Even more important, there are the obvious health benefits that go along with a healthy weight.

While struggling to lose weight, I have compounded a list of tips that really do help. Remember, take it one step at a time and don’t except instant miracles on the scale. Go slow and steady and you will see results!

General tips:
1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water each day

2. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water.

3. Drink a glass of water before each meal.

4. Use any chance you have to move around.

5. Have a salad before eating your main entr�©e at lunch and dinner.

6. Choose Salad dressings wisely and then only use a small amount. The new Spray-On versions of salad dressings allow
you to use a much smaller amount of dressing with lots of flavor.

7. Keep a food journal. Write down everything that you eat, including the amount..

8. Eat grilled or baked fish.

9. Limit portions.

10. Eat slowly.

11. Measure everything according to portion sizes listed on products.

12. Use a smaller plate. It will look full.

13. Eat vegetables at every meal.

14. If you’ve finished your meal and still feel hungry, wait 20 minutes. It takes that long for your brain to know that your stomach is full.

15. Don’t go grocery shopping on an empty stomach.

16. Shop the perimeter of the store where most of the healthier foods are (low fat meats, produce, dairy, etc)

17. If you drink soda, switch to diet sodas. You’ll save about 100 calories per 8 oz glass or 150 calories per 12 oz can.

18. Join a support group of friends either personal friends or an online weight loss support group.

19. Don’t try to change your total eating pattern at once. Take small steps at a time.

20. Enjoy a “treat” food once in a while. Just remember portion size counts.

21. The caffeine in coffee is a good appetite suppressant but use sparingly.

22. Sugar free gum is a good choice if you have the urge to munch but aren’t really hungry.

23. Don’t step on the scale every day. You’ll just get discouraged.

24. Keep the scale in a prominent place (i.e. in front of the refrigerator!) to remind you of your goals

25. Post pictures of thin people on your refrigerator to motivate you.

26. Buy a pair of pants or a skirt that is one size to small. It will encourage you to work harder for your goal of fitting into it.

27. Make lunch your biggest meal of the day. You have more time to work it off than if you eat a heavy meal later in the evening.

28. Don’t skip breakfast.

29. Watch the amount of fruit juice you consume. They have a lot of calories. It is more satisfying to eat a piece of fruit. (for
example, 8 oz of apple juice contains DOUBLE the number of calories as an average apple)

30. Serve measured portions and put away excess food right away to avoid eating second helpings. Use extra portions for
another meal.

31. Plan meals ahead of time. Don’t wait until you are hungry when you get home from work to try to find something to eat.
Quick foods are not usually the best choices.

32. Avoid frozen “TV Dinner” type foods.

33. Only expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. It is not healthy to lose too quickly and losing too quickly only increases the
chance of regaining.

34. Choose an eating plan that fits into your lifestyle. You need to make lifestyle changes to lose weight and to keep it off!

Cooking tips:

35. When baking a cake, substitute an equal amount of applesauce for the cooking oil to decrease fat in the cake. You’ll never taste the difference.

36. Use low-fat chicken broth when making mashed potatoes instead of butter.

37. When cooking ground beef, drain off the fat and RINSE the meat before adding sauce and seasonings.

38. Use lot of seasonings to make food taste good instead of fatty alternatives like butter

39. Use boneless, skinless chicken.

40. Trim all visible fat off of meat, pork, and chicken

41. Use cooking spray such as PAM to stop foods from sticking rather than butter or oil. You’ll save a lot of calories

Restaurant Eating

42. Avoid buffet restaurants. It is much too hard not to overeat.

43. Choose grilled or baked foods instead of fried.

44. Cut your meal in half. Save half to take home for another meal.

45. Avoid tuna and chicken salads. Restaurants always add excess mayonnaise.


46. Start slow and give yourself time. It will get easier.

47. Park your car in the farthest parking spot and walk to the store or office.

48. Use the steps instead of the elevator.

49. Point and flex your toes while sitting at your desk

50. Take a walk during your lunch break

51. Make it a habit to walk each night after dinner.

52. Play ball with the kids.

53. Keep an exercise journal. Write down all exercise you do. You’ll notice an increase as you get more fit.

54. Exercise for 5-10 minutes, 3 or more times per day. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to fit into your schedule.

55. Find friends to exercise with you.

56. Ride your bike to work or school.

57. Get a dog! You’ll get lots of exercise walking and chasing.

58. Exercise to upbeat music.

59. Turn off the TV. Get moving!!

Read Labels

60. Note the portions size of foods as given on the label.

61. Choose foods that have “sugar”, “corn syrup”, or any other similar ingredient near the end of the list of ingredients, if at all

62. Avoid corn syrup, especially high fructose corn syrup when at all possible. Sugar is a better choice.

63. Choose foods that have small amounts of fat. Limit total daily intake of fat to less than 30% of your daily intake

64. No sugar added cookies or snacks STILL have CALORIES! Watch it.

65. Choose foods high in fiber.

66. Whole grain breads are healthier than white bread but still watch the fat and calorie content.

Smart Snacks

67. Try not to eat between meals but if you have to, choose wisely.

68. Keep cut of vegetables in the frig for a quick snack

69. Keep fresh fruit available.

70. Have a baked apple. Core and quarter an apple, sprinkle with cinnamon and microwave for about 1 minute.

71. Put a few frozen strawberries in low fat milk. Blend in the blender for a tasty shake.

72. Try sugar free jello and low fat and/or sugar free puddings.

73. Buy individual serving bags of snacks to help you control portion sizes. Many are now being made that have only 100 calories per individual bag.

74. Popcorn is a good snack. Use air popped popcorn and butter flavored cooking spray and a little salt to flavor it.

75. Nuts such as almonds and peanuts are a good choice.

I am not a doctor. These tips have worked for me. Seek the advice of a doctor before starting any weight loss plan. Good luck!

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