Food Poisoning Sufferers

Are you feeling a little warm and nauseous? Are you frantically sweating? Is your stomach burning and the sensation to use the bathroom is unbearable? If so, you may be suffering from food poisoning. According to Alternative Medicine, food poisoning is defined as any health problem that is characterized by abdominal pain associated with diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, and weakness usually within 48 hours of eating food contaminated with a virus or bacteria.

It is nice to know that the body gives you a little bit of time to get home before it tries to get rid of the bad food. If you have chemical poisoning it may take only 30 minutes to an hour for your body to respond. Bacterial poisoning may take up to 12 hours, but viral or salmonella poisoning may take 12 to 48 hours before you realize you have food poisoning. Symptoms often vary.

According to, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that in the United States alone, food poisoning causes about 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and up to 5,000 deaths each year. One of the most common bacterial forms of infection, the salmonellae organisms, account for $1 billion in medical costs and lost work time.

It is best to suspect food poisoning when everyone you went to dinner with winds up sick or not feeling that great as well. Most of the time food poisoning will occur with the consumption of poultry such as chicken, duck, or geese, or raw fish such as clams, oysters, or sushi. Other organisms such as staphylococcal bacteria can be passed from food handlers through hands, coughing, sneezing, and breathing onto the food. Isn’t that nice to know? Not only are you sick, but you have someone else’s germs in your body.

In my life time, I have had food poisoning twice and each time I kind of sensed something was wrong with what I ate. And, when I got sick I slapped myself because deep down I knew something wasn’t right with that piece of fish I had. We should always listen to our internal dialogue and go with our gut if we feel uneasy about a meal. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

“I had food poisoning so bad once that I had to take off of work for two days and I literally slept in my bath tub,” advised Nychelle. It normally takes about three days to really get over a bout with contaminated food.

Once you have food poisoning the best thing you can do is drink plenty of fluids and eliminate all solid foods. I can not imagine someone who has food poisoning actually trying to eat during the ordeal, but even after you feel well, it’s important to wait awhile before indulging in a five course meal. When you finally decide to eat again go with plain foods that are easy on the stomach like crackers, rice, wheat, breads, potatoes, and lean meats. You may want to drink something that can restore lost electrolytes. Gatorade, Powerade and Pedialyte are good electrolyte replacements. Acidophilus supplements can also help restore healthy bacteria in your digestive track which may have been washed away through the excessive vomiting and diarrhea.

If at all possible, try to keep samples of the contaminated digested food just in case the problem is much broader and you need serious medical attention. If you notice an increase in diarrhea and vomiting after two days you may want to seek medical attention. Or, if you have problems with your nervous system such as slurred speech, muscle weakness, dizziness, or difficulty swallowing may warrant a visit to the emergency room or doctor. Returning from foreign travel also may be a red signal to see a doctor because if left untreated food poisoning can cause an array of major health issues.

But, please do not let a food poisoning experience stop you from enjoying the art of dining and eating. Continue to rest and drink fluids and within a few days you will be able to eat your favorite food again.

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