Guide to Halloween Celebrations in Eaton, Ohio

Trying to scare up some terrific ideas for Halloween this year? Eaton and surrounding areas, do their part to create a fun and safe environment for the kids.

Each year, Eaton, West Alexandria, New Paris, and surrounding communities celebrate Halloween by having beggar’s night. This is a time when children travel from house to house Trick or Treating in costume. Usually, the children are ages twelve or under for this particular activity. It is tradition to turn on a porch light if you are interested in passing out candy to the youngsters. When the porch light is turned off, the kids move along to the next participating home.

Beggar’s night usually occurs for a couple of hours. Make sure you check the local papers for the times for each activity. The costumes range widely among the children. Teens and adults alike enjoy passing out the treats to the kids. It is extra fun for the adults to dress up in costume, too.

Some families really get into the spirit of the holiday by decorating their entire home and yard for the occasion. Ghosts dangle in the trees and pumpkins line the driveways to greet the trick or treaters.

As an alternative to trick or treating, some local churches have organized activities planned for children in the communities. Eaton First Church of God, for example, annually holds a Halloween carnival in the Family Life Center. Volunteers from the church set up games for the youngsters to enjoy. Kids and adult volunteers, alike, dress up in costumes for the occasion. The event is free of charge to all who attend. A donation of one or two bags of candy is requested. This donation is distributed to the children who participate in the carnival style games.

Also, a bonfire and wiener roast takes place outside in the church parking lot. Kids of all ages love this tradition.

The Brethren Church of Eaton invites kids to dress up in costumes of Biblical characters. Look to the Good Book for some great dress up ideas. The children enjoy guessing which character or scripture their friends will represent this year.

Searching for something perfect for celebrating Halloween and the fall harvest? Consider a trip to New Paris, Ohio. Visit Wesler’s Orchard. Give them a call at (937) 437-8921 for more information about the orchard and all of their delicious treats.

Beginning in October, Wesler’s offers a haunted house during the weekends. This event is recommended for children and adults ten years of age and older.

Lewisburg’s haunted Cave is perfect for those who like the chills and thrills of the season. I can’t disclose the terrors trapped in the cave, but be prepared to be scared! A hay ride is also available in Lewisburg near the entrance to the Haunted Cave.

Considering something a little corny for the holiday? Visit a corn maze this year. Rural Ohio is amazing! Just South of Camden on St.Rt.127, you will get lost in the excitement of this fabulous corn maze.

Time yourself and challenge a friend, or try it again to beat your time. Add a bit of extra excitement going through the maze at night with only your flashlight.

Another outing for the kids is at the Eaton YMCA. Each year, children are admitted free to the Y, where they go on a treasure hunt for candy. The youngsters dress up for the event. This is a terrific opportunity for parents to keep the kids safe and dry if the weather should not be cooperative for trick or treat night.

Whether you are looking to be a-maze-d this Halloween or scared out of your wits, Eaton is the place to start. Most events are free of charge or a small fee, but all events are safe, fun for the kids this year.

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