10 Tips for a Successful Yard Sale

There are typically two reasons for thoughts of hosting a yard sale. You might need the space, or you might need the money. Do you have a garage, attic, or basement full of unused or unwanted items that you “might need” someday but that day never arrives?

Are you in need of extra cash to finance an unexpected expense or make a special purchase? A yard sale might just be the answer that will solve both problems at one time. Yard sales have certain requirements in order to be successful. Many yard sales do not realize their full potential because the host has neglected to follow a few simple rules that will ensure success.

Here are 10 tips that will boost your sales and draw more people to view your wares.

Before the day of the Sale:

1. Decide why you are hosting this sale. If you are attempting to get rid of items you no longer want or need, set your prices low so the merchandise moves quickly. If you need the money, set prices a bit higher to meet your objectives. In any case, try to give your customers a good deal so they don’ think you are overpricing your wares.

2. Start early. Begin to set aside unwanted items so you have an idea of how much merchandise you will have, how many tables you might need, and will you have it inside the garage or in the yard. If you don’t have as much merchandise as you expected, invite a neighbor to co-host the sale, or you can organize a “block” sale where several sales can happen on the same day.

3. Advertise. Place an ad in your local paper. Be sure to give the address and any other pertinent information. If you do not want “early birds”, say so. List your phone number if there might be any confusion to finding your sale. Don’t forget to place large colorful signs around the neighborhood and at major intersections. Make sure the sign placement does not violate any municipal codes.

4. Make sure you have plenty of change on hand. Be prepared to make change for a $20 bill on small sales. Sales may be lost if you cannot make change.

Day of the Sale:

5. Price everything. Some people will not ask the price of an item. If it is not marked, the sale may be lost. If you use stickers, be sure to place them where they won’t damage the item and can be easily removed. Be prepared to “haggle” on some items, but don’t be afraid to stand firm if the price is what you want.

6. With the exception of oversized items, place everything on tables. Customers may not be willing or able to bend down to see an item. Make sure all items are reasonably clean. Dust and dirt devaluate the item.

7. Have a “freebie box”. Fill the box with small items or things you feel you cannot sell.

8. Have an extension cord available so customers can test electrical equipment, if the item is battery operated, have batteries on hand.

9. Offer discounts on the last half day of the sale. You will make more sales and get rid of more of your merchandise if you are flexible.

10. Donate what you don’t sell. There are many less fortunate people in this world who might just need what you don’t. Your favorite charity organization will appreciate your tax deductible donations and in turn help those in need.

Bonus Tip: Have Fun! People are more inclined to buy from pleasant hosts. Start up conversations, joke around with customers, and offer them and enjoyable shopping experience.

As you can see, a yard sale can be made more successful by planning ahead and following a few simple common sense rules. Your customers and your bank account will appreciate it!

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