Green Building with Rastra

“Rastra” (What is it?)

The short answer is that “Rastra” is an ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) product that is manufactured out of recycled Styrofoam and mixed with concrete. You can look on the Internet to find a more defined answer> Suffice it to say if falls firmly in the category of a “Green” building material. It’s primary use would be for “Exterior” walls (residential or Commercial use, single story or multi story buildings).

It also fits in the “Energy” efficient category. Great “R” ratings (up to R-40) if you can believe that. “Thermal” ratings are equally impressive.

“Rastra” building withstand winds in excess of 200 miles per hour (or so I am told). Critters can’t and don’t live in them nor can they eat them. Mold doesn’t like this product either. When building with this product, you can form any type of opening or contour that you like using a hand saw or chain saw. Oh yeah, it is also fire proof (has a 4-hour rating).

For “finishes” inside and out…..stucco is best suited outside since it only requires a “2-coat” process as opposed to the normal 3-coat routine. It also does not require any “wire mesh” that would normally be used in wood framing. Apply directly to the wall. Inside is best suited for “Plaster” but gluing drywall is also a good option.

So, if this is such a good product, why aren’t more people using it?

That’s what I keep saying.

There are a number of reasons (in my opinion):

1: Little or no advertising (a very well kept secret)
2: Pricing?
3: Not enough ability to produce product in a timely fashion (typical lead time is 3-months)
4: Ease of installation

Maybe the lack of advertising is a product of the inability to produce the product. At any rate, not a lot of people seem to know about it.
However, those that do use it seem to be very satisfied with the end result.

Let me briefly address each of these points:

Pretty simple. If you don’t promote your product….normally it is likely you will not sell much. However, in the case of “Rastra” (from what I can see from the outside looking in), they sell everything they produce. So, maybe that is enough for them? I am not privy to their thought process. From my perspective, their looking a “Gift Horse” in the mouth.

No question it is higher than conventional building. But, it would be unfair to try to make a comparison in terms of cost say for a 2×6 insulated wall vs. a 12″ “Rastra” wall(no insulation required). Apples to Orange’s. The “Rastra” walls is far superior. So,, it depends on what you want in the end for your house. The numbers I keep hearing about “Rastra” seems to be that costs are 10% to 15% higher vs. conventional walls. You decide. I like it and can justify it when I build a house.

Product/Lead Time
If you want to build with it….order in advance. If enough people want it, I assume the market will respond.

I have heard people say it is “User friendly” so to speak. Having built with it now for over a year, I would disagree. Although a qualified builder can deal with it….there are “nuances” associated with the installation process that are only effectively overcome by experience.

However, having said that, with proper instruction, builders and those who have some background in building, can certainly get the job done.

So, that’s my story about “Rastra“. I could go on for some time about the various aspects of the product and how it helps the environment, how it is energy efficient etc but for that you can go to the “Rastra” web site.
Judge for yourself.

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