Keeping Your Kitchen Clean

Kitchen is one place in your house which has to be kept very clean and hygienic. But, it is a place that becomes dirty and messy very fast. Maintaining a kitchen is the most difficult task which any woman faces. Here are some quick tips to keep your kitchen clean.

– The more you wash your utensils, the more used utensils will fall in the sink to be washed, so never keep your sink full of utensils. As and when you use a vessel wash it immediately and put it back in its place. If you have a maid who does the chore for you, ask her to first finish the job and then do anything else, if not put all the vessels in a big basket or tub and keep it outside the house. So, that your maid can do the job later.

– As the saying goes, “Everything in its place and a place for everything”. Keep dedicated places for all your kitchen items. After you use them, keep them in their respective places immediately.

– To avoid stinks from your garbage bin, add some lemon peels or lemon pieces in it. Another thing what you can do is, put a polythene bag inside the bin and throw all the waste in the bag. So that you can easily discard the bag without having to put your hand in it, which can be disgusting at times.

– Cleaning a mixer or blender is always a difficult task. So what you can do is squirt a few drops of liquid soap and fill the jar with some warm water. Don’t fill it fully, just half will do, then run the mixer, and then you, yourself can see the difference.

– If you don’t want a foul smell from your fridge. Clean your fridge at least once a week. Discard all the packaged and bottled food which has crossed the expiry date. Place an open box of baking soda in the back of the fridge to soak in the smell.

– When you are mopping the floor, don’t blindly use any local disinfectant, because it can create toxic fumes, which can harm our respiratory organs, especially when you have children at home. So it’s ok, if you pay a few bucks more to keep your family healthy.

Although cleaning the kitchen is time consuming, but if you do it everyday the job becomes very easy.

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