Kaboom Tile & Tub Cleaner a Great Product

I’m almost ashamed to admit it but I don’t clean my bathroom nearly as much as I should. By the time I get around to cleaning my shower, it’s usually pretty filthy. So, when I look for a cleaning product, I need one that is powerful.

We bought Kaboom Tile & Tub Cleaner both because it looked different than the other brands and, more importantly, it was on sale. So far, I have yet to find a product that is better.

Whenever I clean my shower, all it takes is a couple of sprays of Kaboom and I’m able to wipe the layers of soap scum away without any effort. In fact, the second I spray the tile and tub cleaner, the dirt just seems to melt away. All I have to do is use a sponge to wipe it up. It’s so easy to use; I really don’t have any excuse for not cleaning more often.

Because it works so well, we use the Kaboom elsewhere. We clean our sinks with it. We use it to clean our toilet (it actually works better than some toilet cleaners do) and we have even used it to spot clean parts of our bathroom floor when we didn’t feel like mopping it (this does make the floor a bit slick so be sure to clean it up completely).

In addition to the cleaning power, Kaboom also has one other thing I really like. In the past, I’ve been forced to wear a mask whenever I cleaned because the smells from the cleaners were so strong they would make me sick (there aren’t many windows in our house so some rooms aren’t well ventilated). When I use Kaboom, I don’t have this problem. There’s a slight odor from the product but it isn’t very strong and I’m able to clean with it and not get sick; even if I don’t wear a mask while using it. In fact, I have no issue with my daughter being in the room with me when I use it; something I couldn’t do with other products.

I mentioned before that the main reason we bought the Kaboom is it was on sale. After using the product, I am sold enough on it where I’m willing to buy it even if it’s the most expensive cleaner on the shelves. Considering I’m a know penny pincher, that should give you an idea of just how well this product works.

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