How to Clean a Granite Countertop

Granite is becoming a popular surface for countertops due to its beauty and durability. Unfortunately, such beauty comes with a high price tag making granite countertops more expensive than countertops made of synthetic materials. This makes proper cleaning and maintenance of these expensive surfaces even more important. After all, you’ve invested a lot to have such quality materials. Granite surfaces tend to be quite durable and scratch resistant but the use of improper cleaning agents can slowly damage the surface and shorten the lifespan of your beautiful counters. Here’s how to clean a granite countertop:

How to clean a granite countertop: Avoid harsh chemicals

Although granite countertops are hard and nonporous, they are still susceptible to the effects of harsh chemicals, including both strong acids and strong bases. Never use an ammonia based product on a granite countertop as the alkaline pH can cause considerable damage over time. Also avoid strongly acidic cleaning products, opting instead for a cleaning product with a neutral pH. One of the most inexpensive options is to use isopropyl rubbing alcohol which has a neutral pH. Simply fill a spray bottle with one part rubbing alcohol to three parts water. Spray it lightly on your counters Wipe with a soft sponge. You can also add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the bottle for added cleaning power.

How to clean a granite counter top: Establish a maintenance schedule

To protect your granite counter tops, always remove liquids from the surface immediately using a soft, damp sponge. This is even more important if you have light countertops since common food items can stain them very easily. Follow up with a weekly schedule of using a neutral pH cleaner such as rubbing alcohol to deep clean.

How to clean a granite counter top: Practice preventative maintenance

Treat your granite counters with care if you want to preserve your investment. Never place hot pans or pans made of metal on the surface of a granite counter as these can leave a stain. Invest in several hot pads and coasters you can place warm pans and metal containers on. Also invest in cutting boards. Never cut directly on a granite surface. Even a material as hard as granite can be scratched by use of a sharp knife on its surface.

If you take the time to clean and maintain your granite countertops properly, these surfaces will give you years of beautiful wear. They can add a truly elegant touch to your kitchen.

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