How to Make a Trip Wire Alarm

Setting up indoor alarms can really expensive. When you are outdoors though, you can make your own trip-wire alarm. Such types of alarms come real handy when you are in wilderness. You can create a mechanism by which you can get to know about anyone’s entry, whether  human or an animal, in your area. The trip-wire alarm manufacturing process is really easy and you can make it using some basic items, such as cans or any other thing that can make sound when hit.


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    First of all, you need to select a location where you will install your trip-wire alarm. Make sure you select a location which anyone approaching will have to clear by foot. Also, you should hide the wire in a way that no one can notice it casually. Whenever anyone will pass through it, the wire will be stuck in their feet, making the alarm to trip.

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    You will have to attach the one end of the trip wire to something solid and stable. It will allow the end to stick there when someone hits the wire. It can be a tree, a hook or even a big rock. If you do not attach it to a stable thing in the surrounding, such as a small plant, then the wire can get loose, when someone hits the wire. As a result, the alarm may not ring, and you will not be able to get to know about the entrance of the intruder.

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    Now stretch the wire across the path where you want to set the alarm. Tie the other end with your alarm making items, such as few cans, or any other alarm that can be activated by stretching the wire. Make sure that the alarm is loud enough to make you alert, when someone tries to enter your territory.

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    If you are using tin cans, then you can make a series of them, by handing them between two trees. Make sure you hand them close enough that when the wire is stretched, they should hit each other to create the sound. Connect the end of the wire in the centre of the can network, and you are done with creating your own trip-wire alarm.

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