Maintaining a Customer Friendly Organization

What can possibly be more annoying than walking into a company or organization that you’ve spent hundreds with and have them treat you like garbage? How can we forget about that rude cashier who returns your money to you by placing it on the counter? And let’s not forget about that waiter who takes too long to serve your meal because he/she is too busy laughing and joking with other employees?

These are not signs of good top-notch customer service!

In fact, a company is less likely to be productive by offering this quality of customer service. Not to mention, a company is less likely to be successful in the long run without the help and cooperation from incoming consumers. It’s important that managerial staff and top executives stress the importance of this to their employees.

Some companies tend to play hardball often; creating tight and stiff procedures that seem to discourage customers out of memberships or continuing to conduct business. In many cases, different types of policies and procedures can affect customer’s outlook on your business. There is no formula for satisfying each and every customer that comes through that door. But there is a problem when something in particular is causing your company to lose several customer(s).

It’s important that managers & staff executives treat their employees with respect. Most employees will rebel against management by disrespecting the quality essentials of the business. If an employee feels he or she is being stiffed or not being treated fairly, more than likely they will rebel. They may steal, lie, appear snappy and upcharged or take out their frustration on customers. No, there isn’t a formula for satisfying every employee either, but there is a way to be fair.
Theoretically, 8 out of 10 employees are more likely to treat you with respect if you show them the same in return. There are a handfull of top executives and managers who simply feel they don’t need to respect or show courtesy to their employees. As a result, their turn around rates are significantly high and their employees will not respect them.

One of the many key responsibilities of a customer service department is to offer top notch and high quality service to its consumers. Whether by phone or in person the customer must be skilled and able to speak and communicate effectively. He or she must be well spoken, well groomed and educated upon the products and services of the company. An employee unable to uphold these key details is represented possibly by poor training, poor guidance or lack of self-interest. Thus, creating poor customer service in the long run.

Companies capable of offering elite professionalism tend to thrive successfully. Over-complicated policy procedures, and an unwillingness to allow consumers to express their concerns or vent out their frustration is an automatic killer. Inevitably, there are occasions when consumers prefer to speak to an executive or a manager and won’t stop calling until they do so. Often though, too many managers stress to their call center reps to “handle” the call and not escalate the matter. As a result, call center reps begin to discourage customers by refusing to accept their request.

Going the extra mile for your consumers is a good thing. Touching bases, keeping close contacts and even special ordering products is a way to keep then coming for more. In some cases, there are certain types of services and products that your business doesn’t have. What’s even better is if your company can point that person into the direction he or she needs to lead. You should never lie to any customer by making promises that are difficult for you to live up too.

Do follow ups, after a customer has just spent thousands or hundreds of dollars with you for a particular service, call them and ask about your service and how the product is working out. The objective is to offer top-notch service and maintain a customer-friendly attitude all in the same breath. Learn to say ‘Thank you’ and ‘We appreciate your business.’

By following some of these successful tips not only are we learning to provide great services, but it teaches us how to communicate much more effectively in the long run. We begin to smile more and feel at ease at the fact that were able to provide services at the top of the chain.

For more information and tips about customer service please visit..

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