How to Repair a Dent in a Wood Floor or Table

Have you ever dropped something sharp or heavy on an expensive piece of furniture and created a dent? Well, if you have, there’s a way that you can repair that damage with little more than an iron and some sandpaper.

We’ve all done it. You get home from work, toss your keys at the table, and maybe you tossed them a little too hard. Your giant key ring just created a huge dent in that antique table you inherited from your grandmother. Don’t worry, you can fix this yourself with a handful of supplies that you have around the house.

Supplies Needed:

  • Iron (make sure it has a steam setting)
  • Small towel
  • 100, 220, and 400 grit sandpaper
  • Wood finish that matches the original table or flooring


1. Wet the towel and place it over the dent so that it covers only the areas that you wish to repair. Do not allow the towel to remain on the wood for a long time, as this could ruin the remaining finish.

2. Heat the iron to the ‘cotton’ setting and place on directly over the wet towel, moving it slowly in a circular motion over the dent in the wood. Make sure to press the steam button on the iron. The steam from the iron will cause the wood in the dent to expand, thereby making the dent disappear.

3. Periodically check the dent to ensure that the steam is removing it.

4. Once the dent is gone, the surrounding wood will be rough, due to the steam. Using the sandpaper, sand with the grain and remove the rough areas where the dent used to be. Start with the 100 grit paper and move to 220 when the table (or floor) feels smooth.

5. Touch-up the small, sanded area with an appropriate finish that matches the original. Lightly sand the repair with 400 grit sandpaper between coats to ensure that the surface of the wood or floor will match the original.

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