Bridal Shower Theme Ideas

Planning a bridal shower can be a difficult task. Thinking of ideas and games, creating favors and making the necessary preparations can be overwhelming. If you are in charge of a bridal shower here are some tips and ideas for getting started:

– Pick a theme
– Choose a date (a time and day that will fit with everyone’s schedule)
– Make invitations
– Decide on food (lunch, dinner or just refreshments)
– Select some games (search the internet or talk to friends)

There are many kinds of topic ideas for bridal showers, some popular themes include, a “Room of the House” theme, kitchen theme, lingerie or bedroom theme etc.

A fun idea for an activity is to have the guests create scrapbook pages at the shower so the bride will have pages layouts ready to add pictures from the bridal shower to include in her memory book.

One favorite bridal shower idea was called a “What Will They Do”. This type of bridal shower can suit anyone, but it is really great for the bride who already owns the things that are typically given as gifts at a bridal shower. Gifts for this type of shower include gift cards for entertainment, dining out and groceries. The idea behind the theme is to provide the bride and groom with fun activities to do during their first year or marriage. Activities like movies, dinner, plays or concerts; even money for groceries is a helps ease the financial strain.

Usually during the first year you are married you have a tight budget because you are trying to finish school and establish your career. Most newly weds don’t have extra money to do things like “go out” to dinner or the movies. If the bride and groom have gift cards for these extracurricular activities then they will have things to do together on the weekends. This type of shower works well for both the bride and the guests. Giving a gift card makes buying and deciding on a gift easy for the person giving the present. The bride gets something she can use and not have to return, plus the guest doesn’t have to search for “the perfect gift.” It is a win, win situation for everyone!

Here is a sample shower invitation for this kind of bridal shower:


Bride-to-Be: Jane Doe

Place: City Complex

Date: Saturday, January 15, 2005

Time: 11:30 am

Given by: Groom’s sisters and mother

RSVP: 555-888-9656

What do you give the bride who already has the traditional items you receive at a bridal shower?

The newly- weds definitely need fun things to do during their first year of marriage.

The shower theme is:

“What Will They Do” —-Gift card/money shower.

A perfect gift for this bride-to-be is:

Gift cards or money for groceries, entertainment (restaurants or movie theaters) and other expenses during the first year of marriage.

Favorite stores and places to eat:

Pottery Barn
Spaghetti Factory
Olive Garden
Caf�© Rio
Famous Dave’s
Lone Star Steak House
Ruby River Steak House

Enclosed is a recipe card. Please fill it out with your favorite recipe and bring it with you to the shower!

Hope to see you there!

For this particular bridal shower we combined two themes into one. Recipe cards were included in the invitations so the bride could get some ideas for quick, easy and delicious meals. She was able to get some great recipes to make for her new husband. To tie in the recipe card idea we had wooden rolling pin recipe holders that were used as shower favors for the guests to take home and use.

More ideas for creative shower favors to use with the “What Will They Do” theme are a two-liter bottle of soda and some microwave popcorn “for a night of videos” or some candles and bath salts “to create a romantic atmosphere.” Include the guest in the theme and send them home with something to do with their husbands/boyfriends.

The suggestions and ideas listed above will help you plan a special occasion for everyone to enjoy and remember. One more thing, don’t forget your camera!

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