Numerology for Personal Growth

Numerology may be employed for many diverse purposes. Here, it is used as a means for an individual to become more closely identified with his/her Soul Self and thereby grow into being an instrument for Soul Purpose.


Souls are eternal. They are rays of the Divine, or what some call Supreme Consciousness, or what others call God.

Souls, having emerged from the Divine, are pure expressions of the Divine. God, being Omniscient [all knowing, which is to say, Supreme Consciousness], Omnipresent [everywhere, which is to say, in every atom, every molecule, every aspect of the manifest world and the spirit worlds], Omnipotent, [all powerful, which is to say the only support of all that is], so too are these qualities inherent at the core of every Soul.

Souls, however, emerge from and become individuations of the Divine. And, as such, they move around and get involved in various activities, one among which is involvement with the manifested, earth plane of existence.

It is here, in the physical world, to which Souls have been attracted, where they lose their identification with the Divine. Here, Souls tend to become ego-bound. They become immersed in earthly preoccupations, develop desires that spellbind their consciousness, that propel them into ever deeper emotional, psychological involvements with themselves and with other incarnated Souls, until, finally, they totally forget their Divine origin.

Ultimately, at some point in the eternal journey of the Soul, there comes an awakening. Soul desires to return to its origin, to uncover its true core Self. It is then that Soul comes into the physical realm with a purpose of healing itself from the many scars and wounds and desires and obsessions that have developed over the eons of fascination with life on earth. Soul must needs now come to earth and heal itself, to grow back into its original wholeness so it can return to its Divine origin and merge once again with God.

This, then, is the Divine Drama.

Young Souls abound on the earth plane. These are not interested in finding God. Indeed, they are fully intent on total involvement with the material life. They are the ones who hunger after the things of this world.

Old Souls are those among us on earth who hunger for God.

Their sense of purpose converges on healing, repairing, purifying. Souls such as these, involve themselves in spiritual practices, as a means of “doing the work.” They study themselves to see what needs to be perfected.
Only when we identify with Soul Purpose do we find ourselves living a harmonious, joyous life.

Regardless of our external circumstances, whether we are financially well off or not, whether we enjoy a prestigious position in the world or something less, whether we are in a good relationship with our fellows or not — regardless of these outward signs — unless we are living in accordance with our Soul’s desires and working toward our Soul’s fulfillment, we will never really truly feel connected with our true potential.

You can learn to make your own numerology chart. You can study your chart, dwell on each aspect, meditating upon its significance until intuitive insight blossoms and you then become increasingly aware of your Soul essence and its purpose for this life sojourn you ordinarily call your life. You can deepen your practice by making charts for your friends and family. Eventually, in a fairly short time, you will become an expert reader. Your psychic faculty will blossom.

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