Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Charleston, West Virginia

When dealing with an alcohol or drug addiction problem in the Charleston, West Virginia area, there are several rehabilitation programs that are available. With the variety of treatment centers, you can find one that best suits your needs and will help you heal close to home and your family.

The Prestera Center
1716 7th Avenue
Charleston, WV 25312
(304) 344-0270

The Prestera Center provides several options when it comes to treating your drug or alcohol addiction problem. They offer both in patient and outpatient programs that are tailored to meet the needs of each individual client. They focus on assisting you to maintain a drug or alcohol free life. They offer individual counseling as well as group based 12-step recovery programs. Their programs focus on the many steps of recovery including, relapse prevention.

The Prestera Center offer a program called The Renaissance Outpatient Program for women. This program focuses on the unique needs of women that are addicted to drugs and alcohol and the effects that it has on their children. This program deals with the addiction first then works to help the women become better parents through parenting skills classes as well as educational and vocational assistance programs.

Thomas Memorial Hospital
4605 MacCorkle Avenue, SW
South Charleston, WV 25309
(304) 766-3600

Thomas Memorial Hospital offers a full range of psychological services for mental health issues as well as substance abuse therapy. They offer their services twenty four house a day and you will be given immediate attention at this facility. Their services are available to individuals as well as those that have been referred by a judicial program, employer, or school.

Their programs consist of both inpatient and outpatient programs. They also offer a Christian based therapy program for patients that would like to include their faith in the process of healing their alcohol or substance abuse problem.

Kanawha Pastoral Counseling Centers
16 Leon Sullivan Way, Suite 300
Charleston, WV 25301

The Kanawha Pastoral Counseling Center is not just for those of faith. They offer their addiction and alcoholism treatment to anyone without consideration of race or religion and have five locations throughout the Charleston area. They are HIPPA compliant, accept all major insurance plans and offer their drug and alcohol treatment on a sliding fee scale that is based upon your income. They do not offer inpatient services. Their counseling services are typically scheduled once a week for a fifty minute time slot. Their web site states that a 2005 survey of their clients reported a 95% satisfaction rate and that they would recommend their services to their friends and family.

When dealing with a drug or alcohol dependency in Charleston, West Virginia there are several choices when it comes to working through your addiction. The area offers a wide variety of inpatient and outpatient alternatives when it comes to healing your addiction. When you are ready to reach out for help, there are plenty of options and treatment facilities that are available to you. Finding the right program to fit your needs is just as important as making the decision to get the help that you need.

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