Quizilla: A Hub for Creativity, Expression, Recognition, and a Bit of Competition

Myspace has taken over in the world of internet profiles and friend making, it seems to have become the most common form of expression among the internet community. Or has it? Perhaps it is merely the most prominent. There are a variety of other forms of expression from live journal to deviant art. However, one has risen in popularity in the teen community. A little site called, Quizilla.

Granted, Quizilla is fairly limited in popularity to the teen community, it has worked to provide a place of free expression that has captured teens in a way that other sites have failed to. Quizilla, which can be viewed at www.quizilla.com , provides teens with a place to take quizzes made by members, create a profile where they can make friends, express themselves in forums on a wide variety of topics or by posting new topics, post stories, quizzes, or poetry for others to read and/or comment on, and even add to the site by posting comments to site director. With such a wide range of activities to take part in, its no wonder the site has created such a buzz.

On a wide scale Quizilla is used as a middle man between a writer and their viewers. It is not uncommon for Quizilla to play host to anonymous amateur writers and their work or simply teens wishing to express what is on their mind through a work of poetry, prose, or a short stor y. Whether there are ambitions of professional publication in the authors mind is a little hard to tell, however these works are unmistakably labors of love and expression highly deserving of respect and recognition. This is one of the reasons Quizilla has proven so useful. As previously mentioned, people can read and even comment on an author’s writing. Although, surely comments by peers can be hash at times, it does provide a means for young writers to get a look at what others think of their work. It allows them to share their ideas and possibly even improve upon them by the comments made. Sometimes the harshest comments bring about the best change, and we all know the world of writing and open expression isn’t easy. Critics are everywhere, so Quizilla is really an effective starting block in preparation for what ahead.

As with any site along these lines, not everyone writing on it is a potential or ambitious writer. Many are there simply for expression purposes. Being oneself and dealing with the hardships of life can be trying. Its good to know someone else is there experiencing something similar, or that you can help someone who is experiencing something you’ve gone through. This is one of the main focuses of Quizilla, and although its presented in a seemingly casual way, its impacts are undoubtedly present and long standing.

Users can also take a wide variety of quizzes to find out fun answers to questions of their personality. (Note, these are not by any means professional or all knowing quizzes, they are more for fun and/or personal expression by posting the results on a profile page or blog.) These quizzes are made by members, but a membership is not required to take them and anyone can obtain postable results.

Membership is also required to take part in discussions on in the forum. The forums, like most other, are divided into related groups. Some categories available deal with discussions of anime, teen help, music, books, mature discussions, and miscellaneous topics, just to name a few. Contests can also be found in the forums. These contests are generally posted and created by members and provide minimal rewards for winning. But seem to be widely participated in nonetheless. The forum is also the place in which problems or suggestions can be addressed. These can be viewed by other members, but are generally addressed by moderators of the site.

Membership is fairly quick and easy, and of course it’s free. Members are given the benefit of getting in touch with the Quizilla community and the ability to create a profile, submit writing and quizzes, as well as post on the forums. Members can link pictures using any number of hosting sites and/or by direct linking (an unpopular and generally unappreciated method), and can even add music to their quizzes and profiles using the right code. By this, of course, I mean web codes such as HTML, JAVA or the like. Those less savvy users can learn how to do these things and more through Quizilla’s resources and links. Additionally, their quiz creation and management pages provide users with a great deal of resources for adding features, and a fail-proof walkthrough to creating a quiz. Unfortunately, creating a profile isn’t quite so easy as of yet. Everything on your Quizilla profile must be added through code, and although they provide a link of code help, this can be a challenging experience for those new to the whole process.

Even with its little faults, this site certainly makes the grade in the way of up-sides and popularity. A peruse is recommended for any and all those interested in such sites, or simply to get in touch with what teenager these days are into and going through.

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