MySpace is the Internet Version of a Reality Show

I admit that I am a Myspace addict. I’ve been on Myspace for several years and have found it to be an important part of my daily life. I am continually amazed and amused by the life that I have created in this little part of the Internet. I would be your average person that is probably a little too old to be a kid but who refuses to grow up. I created my profile to reflect my personality with lots of music, pictures and words. I change designs depending on my mood and I change my friends list on a daily basis. I simply cannot function without signing on at least once a day.

So what is the attraction to a website? It’s simple really. I wanted a place to show my creativity and to connect with my friends. I started out with a group of 10 friends that I knew in real life. Slowly, their friends became my friends and my list grew. I started to branch out and look for bands, celebrities and people from my past. I started to get emails and requests from people and bands that didn’t know me. They just liked my profile or my taste in music.

If you turn on the news you will likely hear a story at some point about the bad points of Myspace. The Internet predators who seek out young kids. You will find the sad news of a death that is linked to Myspace and the outpouring of grief from friends and family. You will find people saying they have wasted way too much time sitting at a computer doing meaningless things. The Internet, and Myspace, can be scary.

It’s hard to describe the addiction to people who have never been. I can give you an idea of what I have experienced though. I found my old high school crush and added him as a friend. I finally admitted after 15 years that I thought he was incredible when we were in school together. I searched out a few musicians and song writers that I had admired. I’ve had conversations with them and have even received support in my own desire to write music. I met an incredibly hot Australian man who wrote me a song and continues to amuse me with his quick wit. I found my friends daughter and managed to gain her trust in my quest to protect her. I’ve started writing a blog and have found inspiration in the amount of people who actually care what I have to say.

I guess Myspace can be an incredibly good and bad place all at the same time. There are people who will condemn it because of the bad publicity. There are others who will only sing it’s praises. I think the truth lies in the middle. Myspace is a strong symbol of our society as a whole. You have a complex group of people with all of their qualities shining through. There is chaos and drama along with brilliance and creativity. It truly is a reality show where everyone is trying to get the most screen time. We all have our agenda and we are all seeking something. We are also finding it within this community. It’s all in how you look at it. It’s all in how you look at your life.

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