Chinese Herbs for Healthy Ligaments

Ligament pain is often a symptom of something a little deeper. The organs inside your body need to be maintained so that your limbs can be pain free and healthy. The following herbs not only help your ligaments but also the major organs that need it.

1st Herb for Healthy Ligaments

Bai Shao, also known as Radix Paeoniae Alba, is used to subdue hyperactivity of the liver and relieve pain, to nourish blood and regulate menstruation, and to check excessive perspiration. It is also used for symptoms, such as Headache and dizziness; costal and abdominal pain; spasmodic pain of the limbs; anemia; menstrual disorders; spontaneous sweating and night sweating.

� Tonifying blood and astringing Yin. In treating irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, metrostaxis, etc. due to deficiency of blood, the drug is often used in combination with Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong, Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata, etc. In treating exterior syndrome of deficiency with spontaneous sweating and aversion to wind due to invasion of wind-cold, the drug can be used in combination with Ramulus Cinnamomi to regulate the nutrient and defensive systems. The drug can also be used to treat night sweating.

� Nourishing the liver and relieving pain. In treating pain of the chest, hypochondrium, stomach, abdomen, etc. due to dysfunction of liver-Qi, the drug is often used in combination with drugs for relieving depressed liver such as Radix Bupleuri, Rhizoma Cyperi, etc. In treating pain of the epigastrium and abdomen and spasm and pain of the limbs, the drug is often used in combination with Rhizoma Coptidis, Radix Scutellariae, Radix Aucklandiae, etc.

� Nourishing Yin and soothing the liver. In treating headache, dizziness, etc. due to deficiency of liver-Yin and hyperactivity of liver-Yang, the drug is often used in combination with Radix Rehmanniae. Concha Haliotidis, Ramulus Uncariae cum Uncis, Flos Chrysanthemi, etc. This simple herb is used to astringe Yin, soothe the liver and treat dysentery. The dehydrated herb is used to nourish the liver, regulate the spleen and relieve pain.

2nd Herb for Healthy Ligaments

Chai Hu, also known as Radix Bupleuri, is used to regulate the exterior and interior, to soothe the liver, and to cure drooping and ptosis. Influenza or common cold with fever; alternate chills and fever such as malaria; distending pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions; menstrual disorders; prolapse of the uterus, and prolapse of the rectum.

� Dispersing badheat. For treating cold with fever, it is often combined with Radix Puerariae, etc., thus dispersing bad heat from the superficies; for treating the syndrome of alternating episodes of chills and fever, with Radix Scutellariae, thus mediating Shaoyang disease. This drug is effective in eliminating the heat located in the half-superficies and half-interior, hence an indispensable medicine for Shaoyang disease. Besides, for malaria marked by alternating episodes of chills and fever, it is often combined with Radix scutellariae, Radix Dichoae, Fructus Tsaoko, etc.

� Lifting up the vital energy of middle-Jiao. For the treatment of prolapse of rectum, or of uterus, or gastroptosis due to deficiency of Qi of middle-Jiao, it is often combined with drugs for liftingYang-Qi, such as Radix Ginseng, Radix Astragali seu Hedysari and Rhizoma Cimicifuge. This herb is quite effective in treating prolapse of internal organs such as rectum, womb, etc.

3rd Herb for Healthy Ligaments

Huang Qi, also known as Radix Astragali is used To relieve rheumatic condition, and to remove obstruction from the channels and relieve pain. Rheumatic arthritis with pain in the lower back and knees; headache due to attack of cold on the shaoyin Channel chanracterized by association of headache with precordinal pain and cold legs.

� Invigorating qi (the vital energy) and elevating the spleen-yang.The herb is used in the treatment of patients with symptoms caused by deficiency of qi, such as weakness and fatigue, or of patients with numbness of limbs and apoplectic sequelae. It is also used in such conditions as sinking of qi of middle-jiao, manifested as symptoms of prolapse of the viscera, e.g. prolapse of rectum due to chronic diarrhea, and prolapse of uterus.

� Consolidating superficial resistance to stop sweating due to weakness and failure of superficial qi. It is used in patients with spontaneous sweating due to weakness and failure of superficial qi.

� Promoting pus discharge and tissue regeneration. It is used in the treatment of carbuncles and cellulitis which resist to rupture or which rupture but refuse to heal due to deficiency of qi and blood.

� Promoting diuresis to reduce edema. It is used in patients with edema of limbs, dysuria, palpitation and shortness of breath, caused by deficiency of the heart-yang and the kidney-yang.

� It is also used in the treatment of diabetes. Slices of astragalus root are more efficacious in stopping sweating, promoting pus discharge and tissue regeneration. Honeyed astragalus root is more efficacious in invigorating the spleen and replenishing qi.

Healthy ligaments are only a part of a healthy body. Remember that herbs too should be used as directed. Prescription can be harmful but this is a very natural remedy that is more likely to help you without addiction and other more serious problems.

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