Freedom is an Open-Ended Commitment

In a letter to President Bush, Democratic leaders in the House and Senate said “In the interests of American national security, our troops and our taxpayers, the open-ended commitment in Iraq that you have embraced cannot and should not be sustained,” renewing calls for the withdraw of troops by the end of the year. How cute! The liberal leadership of the Democratic Party has been let out of their playpen for a romp.

Put up the kiddie gates so they don’t fall down the stairs. And can we at least get them a new record to play? Please! Something with a positive tone and message of real support for our armed forces would be nice.

What we are seeing, once again, is that some people at best simply do not understand (and at worst purposefully ignore) that the cause of liberty and the unalienable rights of mankind has always been and always will be, an “open-ended commitment”. The second you stop being committed to them is the second that you will in fact lose them. History is replete with example after example of what happens when the good and freedom loving people in nations around the world do not remain committed to such causes indefinitely. Centuries of dictators, monarchs, tyrants and their left wing, centralized government ideologies such as Socialism, Nazism, Communism and fascism along with the corpses they have littered the planet with are clear testament to that.

In World War II we saw perhaps the most hideous example of such a dispassionate attitude towards freedom in modern times. As left wing political ideologies banded together in Europe and the Pacific, we refused to stay committed to our principles instead choosing to make excuses and sit idly by as millions were rounded up into concentration camps, killed in gas chambers and burned in ovens because of their religion. We did not get involved until the liberty and the rights of many a man, woman and child had been unjustly taken and far too late.

Following that the world turned another blind eye deciding to stand by as millions were purposefully starved, imprisoned into slave labor camps and left to suffer and die in gulags in the vile Soviet Union.

Then in Vietnam we witnessed horror yet again as people fled the advancing communist forces descending upon them from the north as the world decided that they had grown weary and had enough of the fight for liberty. At that time we ended our “open-ended commitment” to our fellow man.

It’s not that hard to look back and history and learn these lessons and truths.

Meanwhile however we know that these same Democrats are not really opposed to “open-ended commitments”. They are all for “open-ended commitments” as long as such commitments limit freedom and are designed to enslave Americans to the provenly failed nanny state. Year after year, the “taxpayers” they claim that they are so interested in protecting from “open-ended commitments” are saddled with vast (and completely unconstitutional) federal entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, and so on where the productive pay the freight for others. And let us not forget the “open-ended commitment” to the many failing government schools which continue to turn out graduates that cannot make proper change without a cash register while asking you if you would “like fries with that.”

Apparently “open-ended commitments” which cost the American “taxpayers” hundreds of billions of dollars each year are just fine as long as they are accruing power unto themselves to control our lives. As for being committed to liberty for mankind? They just cannot commit to that! After all freedom, real freedom that is, is not that important to them. Heck, if people were free what would all these policy wonks and brain dead bureaucrats do when they could not arbitrarily control us? Why, we would ostensibly end their “open-ended commitment” to the assault on our liberties. They would be out of their jobs!

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