How to Cure Panic Attacks the All Natural Way

Some say panic attacks are a throw back to when humans used to be hunted by large carnivores which would then trigger the fight or flight response. Of course in the distant past that rush of adrenaline might be the very thing that saved your life! So now, unless you are physically attacked or stalked there is really no reason to suffer from that rush of adrenaline, or is there? What do you do if you have panic attacks? Many doctors would have you believe there is a magic pill which will cure you of your panic attacks, this is patently untrue. While such drugs may help with the symptoms in the short-term, they do not address the crux of the problem. In addition, many such drugs are highly addictive, and difficult to stop using when you have been doing so for long periods.

Panic attacks whose symptoms can range from intense sudden terror, chest pains, difficulty breathing, a feeling of unreality, tingling in your hands or fingers, and nausea, all of which can lead to a whole host of other problems such as agoraphobia (the inability to leave your home) acid reflux, and headaches to name a few, are not something to be taken lightly. It is important if you think you are suffering from panic attacks to take a long hard look at your life. Typically panic attacks result from feelings of extreme stress, not getting enough sleep, not eating properly, and not taking time for yourself. This is one of the reasons drugs are only a temporary solution, and why I do not think they are a viable solution.

If you are suffering from panic attacks, there are a number of non-drug solutions you can employ to help you deal with them, and which in time should eliminate them all together for the most part. This does not necessarily mean they will go away completely, but the following techniques will teach you the best ways of dealing with them, and reducing their severity and length.

The first thing you need to do is find out the reason for the panic attacks. This is the time to ask yourself some hard questions such as: Have I taken on too much at work? Do I always say yes to new projects even when I already have more than enough to do? Am I letting my spouse push all the housework, and primary childcare off on me? Is money what’s worrying me? Am I getting enough sleep each night, or is my sleep broken throughout the night? Am I eating a healthy diet, or am I gorging on junk food most of the time? Am I taking my breaks at work, or working through them? You need to discover what is triggering the panic attacks; what your stressors are. Once you have a good idea of the things which are your stressors then you can to decide how to deal with them in a healthy way.

A few techniques you can begin to use right away which will reduce your stress, and help to eliminate stressors are to not be afraid to say no. If you already have 5 long-term projects you are juggling at work, and a co-worker wants you to help her with hers too, or to take it on, do not be afraid to say no. Don’t explain, just be firm and say no and that you have enough on your plate at the moment. If you make detailed explanations then it gives the impression you are willing to be persuaded. Another technique is to take your breaks, whether you work from home, or in an office, every few hours take a break. This also means taking a lunch break that doesn’t include staring at your computer screen! You should also make time to get outside and walk a bit. Fresh air and different surroundings will do wonders towards making you a healthier and happier person. In addition, you also may want to sit down with your spouse or partner and divvy up the work load equally. That way it’s clear who is responsible for what. If you are a single parent or just single, make a list of what your at home tasks are and create a reasonable weekly schedule so you don’t feel overloaded. The idea is to reduce or eliminate as many stressors in your life as possible.

Now, while the above will help to reduce and or eliminate your stressors, what can you do in the long-term? Some long-term solutions and ones which you will want to incorporate into your life permanently are techniques such as learning to breathe properly. When you are stressed you breathe in a shallow fashion, this can lead into a panic attack. So, if you are feeling overly stressed and feel the onset of a panic attack coming on, stop whatever you are doing and breathe deeply. Pull the air in through your nose and completely fill your lungs, (you will know this has happened if you see your stomach pop out.) Hold the air in for a second to circulate and then let it out, also through your nose. If you do this for 5 or 6 breaths at the onset of a panic attack, you will begin to feel better right away.

Another long-term technique which is useful is incorporating a daily yoga practice. Contrary to what some may think yoga does not have to be religious. It is a wonderful way to exercise, and to learn to relax. It also teaches different breathing techniques which you can add to your routine. Yoga also develops the muscles around the spine and the abdominal area, when these areas are strong you not only become more healthy, but you are more relaxed. If you’ve never practiced yoga before, I suggest taking at least one class to begin with to be sure you are doing the postures correctly. There are many different forms of yoga, but the one which teaches you to relax and unwind is called Restorative Yoga, and can be very beneficial to the person suffering from panic attacks. However, any form of yoga will be beneficial.

Meditation is another good technique to learn if you suffer from panic attacks. Daily meditation can help you refocus on what is important, as well as giving your mind a break from the daily grind. Meditation may not be easy at first as you may find your thoughts racing, or your mind wandering. Don’t let this discourage you. Even taking five minutes each day to sit still and breath while acknowledging your thoughts but not letting them take over will help you greatly. There are many books and websites that can help you learn to meditate properly.

When it comes to your diet, the best thing you can do for yourself if you suffer from panic attacks is eliminate caffeine, and any other stimulants from your diet. Caffeine or any stimulant for that matter exacerbates panic attacks by revving your system up. When you suffer from panic attacks you don’t want a revved up system, you want a relaxed system, and while this may be difficult at first especially if you one of those people who can’t wake up without your first cup of coffee, you will feel better for it. Instead substitute peppermint tea which will help you to wake up, but without the awful stimulant effect you get from coffee.

A final technique you can employ particularly if you are still having trouble sleeping, or relaxing effectively is to take a relaxation herb. While herbs tend to be safer than medications be sure before you try one, if you are taking medication that you can mix them. Many modern drugs are based on derivatives of herbs, and you can easily overdose if you aren’t careful. So, check with your doctor or pharmacist first to be safe. A few herbs which are good for relaxation and sleep are Chamomile, and Valerian. One combo capsule that I took for awhile and which was extremely helpful is put out by Nature’s Way and called Ex-Stress. It includes such herbs as black cohosh, valerian, hops and several others. If you decide to try it, make sure you check that all the herbs are ok with any medications you are taking. The beauty of herbs is they are non-addicting, non-habit forming and natural, unlike chemical drugs which as explained previously are not.

If you employ even a few of the techniques listed here, you will soon have control of your panic attacks, and you may even find they are gone altogether. While this isn’t always the case, even if you continue to have them occasionally, at least now you have the tools to stop them from becoming debilitating and taking over your life. The key things to remember are to reduce your stress, and to relax, so your life is yours again.

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