A Look at the Terrorist Mind

The Terrorist Mind

Soon it will be my turn to die. Thinking back to 9-11, five years ago, several of my compatriots gave their lives to further the cause towards destroying America. My master, the most holy Osama Bin Laden, says we must continue the crusade to kill as many of you as we can. It does not matter that I will soon die for that cause. My religion and my God has secured for me a place in the heaven of hereafter. You fool around with all your conspiracies and speculations when there is but one purpose. As I make my final preparations, I am filled with both joy and hate. I hate all of the free world and it will be a joy to give up my life to see its destruction.

There are thousands of us waiting instructions from our great leader. And thousands more being trained to follow without fear in my path. We are united and undeterred by your resistance. Ours is a holy war of patience and steadfastness. We can wait, for there are many who will complete the task I have set out to begin. You cannot stop us. Our targets are many and our methods uncompromising. If I should somehow fail, another will follow in my footsteps. We will be relentless in our determination. We fight not as a country, but as a religious body. We slip into the night behind your borders and plan our attack. I am trained to obey my God and masters. If your are trembling in your shoes, then I have partially succeeded in my pursuit of your destruction. By killing your families and friends, I have spiked your hearts with fear. Now I must go and be certain of my final mission. Then say my final prayers. My God is with me.

The Response

This is the belief system of a terrorist. No complaints or objections. Only one agenda as set out by their leaders. Death is not of any concern to a robot. These people are just that. Brainwashed into mindless robots who will act upon orders from their supreme commander. They seek only destruction as it is beyond their comprehension to know any other path. When you throw in the religious factor in the form of a holy war, these robots become totally programmable. After all, who is going to debate instructions given directly by God? There is something to be said about a person who has no direction. They are easily influenced by any kind of promise or cause that involves no thinking of their own. It is not difficult to see that hate can be passed on from generation to generation like the plague. Go back to the Civil War in this country. After 140 years, some still blame one side or the other. The battle is still fought in the minds of descendants long after all the ancestors have all perished.

The sleeping mind is like that. Look at what happened in Germany in the 1920’s and 1930’s. One man literally programmed millions with lies, propaganda and force. How does that happen? How do millions blindly follow one man down the road of death and destruction? It is the transfixed mind of man that can be influenced by anything giving it purpose. That purpose, be it good or bad, presents a hollow mind with something to fill its void. Those who do not learn to think for themselves, become caught up in the whirlwind of propaganda and deceit. We have seen the results of men blindly driven to destruction. The conspiracy is that there is none. To the terrorist, his cause is holy and lawful. He knows nothing else. His mind has become so contorted because he is asleep to anything other than what he has been told. As long as he connects his God to his purpose, there is no other authority for him to recognize. This is a different kind of war for the free world to attempt to suppress. Will it come down to religion against religion?

This is a struggle that will be fought by all. A world wide intervention is perhaps the only way to avert this menace. We need not live our daily lives in fear and regression. Maintaining our awareness and vigilance may go far in thwarting this threat. Countries and their citizens of a free mind and belief must work together. There are many who despise the American way of existence. Yet they will gladly accept a handout when in need. Then go back to their dark way of being. Terrorism is a mind game. The perpetrators are of no mind other than how they have been programmed. The game is to scare us into a condition of fear and withdrawal. Fear is only a state of the mind. Our advantage may be that we know both sides of the equation. We know what it is to live freely. And that is the choice we will always make. The events and effect of 911 strike deep into our hearts. The free mind and the knowing heart will overcome this attack on its existence.

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