What’s Hendering Peace in the Middle East?

The battle for the Holy Land has raged on for centuries. The region has passed through the hands of power repeatedly as if this was just the natural order of things. The Israelites had their golden age and then it was over. Most of those who have occupied this area always come to terms with the end of their reign.

Yet the 1917 Balfour Declaration threw a wrench in the historical rotation of the occupation of Palestine. The league of Nations granted Britain control of the area. It was to be used as the new home for jews terrorized by the Nazi regime. In 1947 it was turned into Jewish and Arab States. Although the fact that the land had been home to Arabs for 1000 years since Rome’s occupation was brushed aside .

The serious contempt for this transplanted jewish state quickly transformed the region into a constant war zone. The surrounding provinces were basically left no choice but to choose sides. Israel on the other hand has enjoyed the complete protection of the most powerful country in the world “The United States of America.” The state of Israel under this protection has exerted a strict domination over the lives of Palestinian Arab communities.

In 1948 more than 726,000 Arabs were forced to flee their homes to the difficult living conditions of Gaza and the West
Bank. Many international commentators who visit the area compare it to conditions found in WWII concentration camps.
Although these statements are purely opinion they still shed light on the inequalities present in Palestine today. The conflict
over who has the right to call the region home is a continous cause for blood letting in the holy land.

This ongoing conflict has given birth to numerous extremist and fundamentalist factions adding to the fighting. Many of
these groups are responsible for gross acts of terrorism against the U.S and other Israeli allies. The existence of these factions causes numerous wars within the war to sprout up all across the middle east. It would seem America should have learned from the conflict between it’s frontier settlers and the displaced native American people.The forced removal of a culture from their native home is never a peaceful process. America’s involvement has made us an object of hatred to many in the middle east.

The animosity has only been compounded by the lust for middle eastern oil resources. Historically the reaction to pilaging has always ended badly. The new milenium has proven to be no different. This has only given the terrorist groups in the region more people receptive to their extremist beliefs. It seems they are desperate to find a way to rid themselves of their percieved opressors. Regardless of America’s good intentions our presence is having a very negative affect on the situation in the middle east.

The root of the conflict in my opinion must be resolved first in order to depressurize the region. The conflict between Israel and
Palestine must be settled. It seems to be the breeding ground for terrorism. I also feel the U.S should let the Sunni and Shia resolve their own differences. If civil war was the motivation behind continued U.S involvement that time has passed. They were not able to prevent thee inevitable. Our troops it seems are now just trapped in a bad situation that has nothing to do with them. The choice to stay just makes no sense. The decision not to send them home no longer a logical option. Maybe the quicker road to peace in the middle east is to turn around and handle our problems at home. I’m sure I have critic’s who think I’m way off base here. Although this is America where everyone is intitled to their own opinion.

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