The 4 Most Underrated TV Chicks

The fact that I’m writing an article called “The 4 Most Underrated TV Chicks” doesn’t bode well for my credibility as a journalist, which I’m not anyway, or as a person, I’ve accepted that I’m going to hell a long time ago. The sad fact is that I watch a lot of television. I’m obsessed with it. I’ve got two TV’s going constantly throughout the day. One on CNN Headline News all the time (more on that in a second) and the other one always in flux (usually shifting between MTV and VH1 or one of the ESPN channels). I saturate myself with pop culture in an attempt to understand this world a little better, or at least that’s what I tell myself. Anyway, when you watch this much TV you tend to “discover” things, almost by default. And though I haven’t actually “discovered” anything, especially any of the girls on this list, I do appreciate their existence and would like to share them with you. Here goesâÂ?¦

-Robin Meade, CNN Headline News

I absolutely love CNN Headline News. It’s like a cable news channel for people who don’t actually care about anything. It should be called CNN for Nihilists. There are a slew of hot anchor chicks on this channel, but-almost without rival-the best is the beautiful Robin Meade. Not to sound cheesy, but I get lost in her eyes. They are a cross between Elizabeth Taylor circa ‘Cleopatra’, my first girlfriend and the scariest cat I have ever seen. Plus, it doesn’t seem like she takes her job to seriously. She seems like a party girl who secretly loves obscure punk bands. I don’t know where I’m getting these vibes; in fact, I think I need to get out more.

-Kelly Ripa, Live with Regis and Kelly

Okay, Kelly Ripa is basically a household name, but I still love her. There’s something about this show that is intriguing. It’s different than the other morning talk shows, like the loathsome View (more on that in a second) or the Ellen and Martha type shows. The kind of conversation that is perpetually happening between Kelly and Regis is a strange mix of vaudeville, friendship and hatred. Plus, look at her body after like nine kids. It gives men hope everywhere.

-Elisabeth Hasselbeck, The View

Has there been a stranger career in the history of daytime television? Elisabeth became famous for her portrayal as Elisabeth on the second season of Survivor (Survivor: Australia, she took fourth). Survivor Era Elisabeth ranks as perhaps the cutest female to ever grace primetime television, reality or otherwise. She was adorable, and she transformed this appeal into a full-fledged career. The View snatched her up to give their program some visual appeal as well as some heart. (The View is so bad that it’s tough to watch it, even for Elisabeth’s sake.) Then she went and married NFL quarterback Matt Hasselbeck just for kicks. Nice.

-Sandra Lee, The Food Network

I never watch The Food Network on my own accord, but my girlfriend makes me watch it constantly. I was going to put Rachel Ray on this list because she’s A) ultimately more famous than Sandra Lee and B) not hot in the traditional sense, but I ruled against it because Sandra Lee kills her in the sexy department. I like that she shows so much cleavage on a cooking show. Because, in my mind, I can pretend that I’m actually watching the beginning of a softcore porn where she’s just “playing” the host of a cooking show. And yes, I’m a loser.

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