Logan Middle School Will Leave Students and Teachers Weary and Uneducated

Logan Middle School is a place no one would ever voluntarily step into. Unless of course, they had no idea what they were about to face. I had the unfortunate opportunity of substitute teaching in this school a few weeks ago. The students were absolutely awful. They were lazy, unruly, rude, disrespectful, talkative, violent, noisy, and angry. The staff was impressive, in the fact that many of them had taught for a number of years at Logan. The hallways were noisy and the students were more than irritating.

After teaching middle school in two different countries, I was shocked at how awful this middle school really was. It greatly discouraged my hope in American Society. That may seem a little extreme, but there is simply no other way to put it. The students’ biggest problem was apathy. The vast majority seemed content to waste away their education and any hope for a better future. When asked what their biggest dreams or aspirations were, many Logan Middle Schooler’s replied, “I wanna go home, I wanna go home so I can sleep.”

The attitudes of these students were only one of their major problems. Their abilties in both math and English were also quite alarming. Basic grammar has no hold on these kids, and many of the teachers don’t really seem to care. They seem satisfied if the students show up and manage not to physically hurt anyone throughout the day. Many students who are apparently preparing for high school next year, did not have a thorough grasp on the English language. Double negatives, “ain’t”, and many other socially unacceptable phrases in English were the norm.

Granted, Logan Middle School students do have challenging home lives. The vast majority are being raised by single parents, who are struggling to make ends meat and are most likely too weary and distracted to give their children the adequate attention and discipline the youth require. However, Logan Middle School is no place for students who need discipline. The students get away with just about murder. I would not recommend attending this school to any students who have goals or ambitions. I would recommend any students attending Logan to actually apply themselves and care about their free education which so many U.S. citizens are currently paying for through their tax dollars.

Another suggestion for Logan Middle School would be to cut down on their class sizes. This would of course mean hiring more teachers, however, careful instruction cannot occur with 25 students in one classroom. Especially if those 25 students are overly apathetic and unruly.

Logan Middle School needs some serious help, and it all starts with the students. They are under the impression that their ‘job’ is to show up, maybe on time, and do little to no work all day. It is disgusting and it needs to be changed.

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