Spring is in the Air, the Flowers, the Baby Animals, and House Cleaning

That’s right folks, Spring is approaching. Pollen is in the air, and all the trees are going into bud. The days are getting longer, and the sun is getting hotter. But now what are you going to do about that pile of clutter that always seems sneak in during the winter time.
Spring cleaning isn’t necessarily everyone’s favorite time of year; but there are ways to get the cleaning out of the way so you can get out there and enjoy the fresh air.

The first thing to do is get in the mindset. Don’t panic when you see a mountain of stuff to do; or fool yourself into putting it off. Every mountain must be climbed one step at a time, and you too can climb that mountain of spring cleaning.

Second, set aside time for the cleaning. Don’t try to smash it into your regular schedule and expect to get things done. Allow yourself a good chunk of time for your cleaning; you may even think about taking a day off work, or setting aside an entire weekend. This is so you can take it at your own pace and not get stressed out. My personal favorite would be to take off a Friday, when possible, clean for that day and Saturday, then rest up on Sunday before having to get bakc to the grind.

Third, Don’t get yourself in so much of a hurry to do things that you don’t do a good job. Always put quality above quantity; and don’t cut corners or take shortcuts unless absolutely necessary.

Fourth, get all your stuff together. You’ll likely need cleaning supplies, a healthy box of rags; and a few organization pick-me-ups, like packing totes, trash bags, or cardbord boxes. Do this before you ever start to clean, and don’t start cleaning untill you’re sure you have everything you need. This will minimize having to make supply trips, and cut down on hassle when it comes to saving time and money.

Fifth, when you go shopping to get all these things, make a list so that you don’t forget anything. List making is very important to keep yourself from impulse buying; so it encourages a healthy budget too. Your list should include the full range of cleaning products, trash bags, boxes, totes, and lables.

Sixth, start cleaning in a logical place; like working from one end of your area to the other. Don’t jump from place to place, and don’t leave a job unfinished to pick up on something else. Another good tip is to have a trash can handy; so that you save time.

Seventh, start out by getting rid of the stuff that’s definitely trash, e.i., bags, food wrappers, soda bottles/cans, old papers. No matter how careful you you’ve been, there are going to be some things that are obviously trash, so just get rid of it.

Eighth, berealistic. If you have had something for eons of time, and never used it, it’s become likely that you never will. If you still can’t bear to through it away; here’s a charitable idea; give it to the local thrift store or homeless shelter. Most of these places accept donations year round; and it’s better than taking something good to the dump.

Ninth, there’s a golden rule, known as ‘A place for everything, and everything in it’s place.’ This is a good rule, because that’s the key to any clutter free room. If you’re having to dodge around this and that to get at something else, there’s too much in your space. Condense as much as possible, and if necessary, get rid of unnecessary items. I know it hurts, but this will lead to a happier, healthier enviroment.

Tenth and finally, be safe. Wear a filter mask when cleaning out dusty areas that are likely to have mold or spores. Wash your hands regularly in hot, soapy water, and wear gloves whenever possible. When working in places such as storage areas, sheds, or other less frequented areas, be mindful of spiders or other insects that may have taken refuge in such places. Never try to lift more than you can safely, and when possible, have someone there to assist you at all times. Make sure that you have a first aid kit and cell phone close by, especially if you are alone. If someone is hurt, contact the proper specialists immediately.

I hope that this helps you to have a happy and safe spring cleaning; good luck; and happy springtime!

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