Getting Ready for Spring – Tips for Cleaning and Improving Your Home

Yes, it’s that time again! Time for “Spring Cleaning” and if you’re like me you’re thinking, “Oh No, I hate cleaning!” But spring cleaning doesn’t have to be hard, just take it one step at a time. You don’t have to get it all done in one day. Cleaning can be fun! Just turn on your favorite CD, send the kids outside to play, and use my list of tips to help you get through it.

1. Rotate dirt-busting. Each day schedule one room for a soap bubble blitz.

2. Treat the room like a checker board and make every move count.

3. No skipping around the board. Complete each chore completely before moving to the next.

4. Buckle on a tool belt (low on the hip for maximum effect) and carry equipment around the room with you.

5. Memorize what goes where in your tool belt and keep feather dusters out of toilet brush pockets.

6. Work the room — (attack it from top to bottom, left to right).

7. Keep tools in good working order — use sprayers with unclogged nasal passages, hole-less vacuum cleaner bags and hairless beater bars.

8. If it isn’t dirty, don’t clean it.

9. When it’s clean….stop.

10. If you’ve used up all your elbow grease, and the stains refuse to go away…paint it.

Then, after you are done cleaning, there are many other ways of improving your home to make it seem brighter and more “springy.”

First, buy some bright colored flowers and put them in various places around the house. For example: on the kitchen table, in the bathroom, in the kitchen windows, anywhere you think will make an impression on your guests.

Second, paint the inside of your home a lighter, brighter color. This will make your rooms look bigger and brighter.

And, last but not least, rearrange your living spaces to make them seem different. This will make a good impression on your guests and yourself.

After you are done cleaning and rearranging, I guarantee you will feel GREAT! Making changes in my own home has always made me feel like a new person. So, get busy, spring is just around the corner.

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