How to Become a Domestic Diva

Let’s admit it, ladies – not everyone is born a Martha Stewart, but we can all strive for greatness.

Now, I have to start by saying that I myself am somewhat of a feminist. If you would have told me four years ago, before I was married, that I would one day enjoy being a homemaker, I would have laughed at you. A lot of things have changed since then.

I can now say that I love my job being a mommy and running our little household, but that didn’t happen over night. In fact, I’m still in the learning process myself. So, if you’re a beginner who has no idea where to start, as I once was, here are a few tips to start you on the road to becoming a domestic diva.

First, a domestic diva always makes tasty and aesthetically pleasing meals. This can be a little overwhelming to someone whose cooking experience is limited to using the microwave or a drive through window. Don’t panic! Start slow. Go to your local book store and pick up a couple of cookbooks. If this is even too hard at first, just sit down at your computer and look online. Make a goal to cook one or two new recipes a week. After you’re comfortable using an oven, you can even start experimenting with ingredients and presentation. Your confidence will grow with every successful meal that you prepare, and soon you’ll be whipping up gourmet meals that rival even the finest restaurant.

Next, the domestic diva always has a sparklingly clean house. Having children limits the time that you have to spend cleaning your home, so you have to learn to do things quickly and efficiently. The first way to do this is to be organized. This way, when you need a cleaning supply, you know exactly where it is. You don’t have to search for a place to put a toy or stop and think where your son’s shoes ended up. This will save you precious time and allow you to spend more of that time on other areas of your life. If you have a hard time keeping your whole house clean every day, start small. Commit to three rooms a day for the first week and increase from there. Soon, you’ll even be able to enjoy the impromptu visits from your mother-in-law without worrying about the state of your kitchen.

Lastly, the domestic diva throws fabulous parties. Once you have the first two requirements down, this part of the job will be easy. If having a house full of people stresses you out, start with a dinner party of two or three couples. Having a theme will also guide your menu choices and decorations, whether it is a fiesta or specific colors that you have in mind. Have a friend help you out, or do it yourself. Either way, this is definitely the most fun part of the job – and the most addictive. After your first successful party, you’ll be planning all kinds of events from birthday parties to baby showers.

The idea of becoming a domestic diva can be overwhelming. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to try. Even if you don’t have it all together, act like you do. Confidence is key. Remember that you are enriching the lives of your family and friends, and never forget to always HAVE FUN!

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