Small Ways to Help the Environment


It sounds simple, but some areas of the country are more difficult than others to make recycling a habit. There are counties where a recycling bin is provided and the service goes along with the trash pick-up, just fill the bin up with the appropriate containers and they will take it to the recycling center. It’s easy to separate things in the house and split them up for the recycling and trash outside. In other areas, there is no pick-up, you will have to take the items to the local dump yourself. The service should be free. If you save up until you have a few bags or even coordinate trips with the neighbors, it will be only a slight inconvenience to help the environment. You can reuse newspapers for packing gifts or shipping boxes. Any box or container can be cleaned and reused around the house many times over.

Buy products made from recycled materials

A quick glance on the side of the box or wrapping will let you know if it has been made from recycled products. These items aren’t necessary more expensive than their counterparts. There are more and more recycled materials being used for store products, so it is beneficial to check labels when you can.

Grocery bags

Some paper bags are made from recycled materials, so those are definitely better than their single-use counterparts. The best way to save trees is to use cloth bags when grocery shopping. It doesn’t cost much to have a few and keep them in the car will make it easy to remember them when you get groceries. If your local store doesn’t have bags made from recycled paper, inquire why and make a request. You never know where your inquiry might lead for the manager and supplier of the store’s products.

Dispose of oil and other pollutants properly

It sounds basic, but there are many people who still pour their old oil or other fluids into the sewer or gutter in the front of the house. This is not the way to dispose of these items! There is nothing wrong with servicing your car in the driveway, but it must be done correctly. Oil and other toxins must be disposed of correctly and safely. For further information, check with your local trash service or at the community library on the specific guidelines for your area.


Another basic tip, but there is trash on the side of nearly every road in America and it’s not getting better. If you eat in the car, at least wait until you get home or to the office to throw your trash away properly. If you want to go a step forward, adopt a section of road and periodically clean it up. Enlist your family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. to help in the effort to keep your area clean. It may be only a small section of your city’s roads, but every little bit makes a difference.

Reduce Driving/Public Transportation

Air pollution is a serious concern in major population hubs and every smaller towns now. Driving a little less and consolidating the trips you do have will not only reduce pollution, but save you time and money. Public transportation can also save you stress of having to fight through traffic on the weekend. Passes are relatively inexpensive (not much more than the $3/gallon for the gas you’d spend to drive there) and you can enjoy the trip with friend or your family.

Conserve Water

Saving water, whether it’s taking a shorter shower or watering the lawn instead of the sidewalk, is a great thing to do for yourself and the environment. Most households can lower their water bills by 10-20% without a lot of sacrifices. Read about the process water has to go through in order to cleaned for another use. It is a long process that can be reduced if everyone conserves just a little bit. Try a water-saving shower head (you will still have plenty of water pressure) and watering the flowers by hand for a couple minutes instead of leaving the sprinkler on for 20 minutes.

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