After Christmas Green Cleaning

Christmas day often leaves homes looking like a storm hit. The task of cleaning and reorganizing a room filled with toys, discarded wrappings and packaging materials can seem daunting. As soon as the holiday celebrations are over, jump into cleaning with these green cleaning tips.

Reduce and Recycle Christmas Garbage

Christmas usually means extra bags full of garbage to be taken to the land fill. In homes with children, there can be several extra bags filled with wrapping paper and packaging. As you pick up, organize the garbage into piles. Paper and thin cardboard can be stacked in one pile and corrugated cardboard stacked in another. Both of these materials can be recycled in most municipalities.

Give Your Christmas Tree to the Birds

Move the undecorated Christmas tree outdoors, prop in the yard and redecorate it with treats for the birds. Bird garland can be made by stringing popcorn and dried fruit together. Ornaments can be made by slathering pinecones in peanut butter and rolling in birdseed. Birds, squirrels and chipmunks will all enjoy their own holiday feast and have a sanctuary from the cold winter weather.

Turn the Christmas Tree into Mulch

In a few months, when the weather starts to warm up and the outdoor Christmas tree has turned orange, toss it into the woods to further decompose back into the earth. Or, rent a wood chipper and turn it into mulch.

Post-Holiday Carpet Cleaning

A holiday season full of visitors, spilled drinks and food crumbs leaves many people wanting to get their carpets cleaned as soon as the decorations are put away. Unfortunately, carpet cleaning chemicals are toxic. Consider buying or renting a steam cleaner. Instead of using chemical cleaners, run white vinegar through the steamer. Your carpets will be clean and chemical free.

Recycle Holiday Batteries

Batteries are used in many holiday toys and decorations that soon fizzle out after the Christmas festivities are over. Ideally, you should buy rechargeable batteries for the onslaught of new toys. If regular batteries are used, dead batteries should not be thrown in with regular garbage. Safe disposal of batteries is a must. Most municipalities require that batteries be recycled.

Recycle Christmas Drink Bottles and Cans

Whether the bottles and cans have a returnable deposit or are merely recyclable, they should be dealt with properly. If you live in a state with a bottle deposit, consider donating your cans and bottles to a charity. Any bottles and cans leftover from your holiday celebrations that don’t have a deposit refund should be sorted and recycled.

For tips on how to clean naturally read The All-Natural Way to a Fresh Clean Home.

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