Ways to Use Baby Wipes

My youngest child is five years old, and I still buy baby wipes. I find baby wipes to be one of the most useful products in my home, and I wouldn’t want to be without them. I even tuck away a few baby wipes in a plastic bag in my purse, and I’ve used them on the go many times. Consider the following alternative uses for baby wipes. Many of these great ways to use baby wipes you may have never before thought of, and you’ll never want to be without them again!

Carpet Stains

Baby wipes are great for removing stains from carpets, especially pet stains. Blot up as much of the stain as possible with absorbent paper towels, and gently rub the spot until the stain disappears.

Dirty Hands

Kids always seem to have dirty hands, especially when eating on the go. Their fingers become sticky and grimy, and no one wants dirty fingers on car upholstery. Wet wipes are the perfect solution! Carry baby wipes in a small plastic container or in a Ziploc bag. You never know when you’ll need them, and when properly sealed they’ll stay moist for weeks on end.

Car Cleaning

Moist towelettes specifically manufactured for babies are also great for cleaning hard surfaces in the car. They’re perfect for cleaning the dash, the steering wheel, and they’re also just the right size for getting into louvered areas that collect dust and dirty. Best of all, they don’t leave a sticky residue that attracts dust and dirty. Keep them in your vehicle as well as with your car cleaning kit. You’ll save money over expensive car cleaning products, and they’ll work just was well or better.


Baby wipes are wonderful for wiping wounds before bandaging, especially if you’re hiking, camping, or in another location where soap and water isn’t readily accessible. Keep packaged moist towelettes in your first-aid kit along with the usual antibacterial ointment and alcohol swabs. They’ll gently clean away dirt and debris until proper care be administered.

Sponge Bathing

Baths and showers aren’t always possible, and when unable to bathe, bath wipes are a good substitute. They’re great for those who travel for a living. Truck drivers use them all the time. They’re also great for those confined to a hospital bed. Anytime you can’t bathe or don’t have time, moist towelettes are a suitable substitute.

Swifter Substitute

Refills for Swifter mops aren’t cheap, and those who can’t afford replacement pads can use baby wipes. They’ll gently and effectively clean linoleum and tile floors, and they’ll make cleaning a breeze. Try baby wipes of your choice next time you run out of Swifter pads. You’ll be amazed by how well they work!

Clothing Stains

Stains on clothes are a nightmare, especially when away from home. Keep baby wipes in a plastic Ziploc bag in your purse or your wallet. If a spill occurs, dab up as much of the moisture as possible with an absorbent napkin or towel, and wipe away the stain. When the material dries, you’ll hardly notice the stain.

Bathroom Use

It isn’t necessary to buy flushable wipes for bathroom use. Keep baby wipes in the bathroom, and use them whenever necessary. They’re great for kids and adults alike, and they’re much cheaper than flushable towelettes.

Painted Baseboards

Baseboards are big dust collectors, and those with pets will find pet hair and debris along with the dust. Don’t use an ordinary wet rag to wipe down baseboards. Instead, use baby wipes to wipe them down. They leave a fresh clean scent, and the mile soap they container does a wonderful job of removing dirt, dust, hair, and other debris.

Broken Glass

I recently dropped a glass on my kitchen floor, and beneath the linoleum the floor is cement. The glass shattered across the entire room, and it was nearly impossible to sweep it all up. Instead of just sweeping, I went over the entire floor with a number of baby wipes. I found shards of glass and pieces that were far too tiny to sweep up.

Shoe Cleaner

Shoes become scuffed and dirty in no time at all, and shoe cleaning products aren’t exactly cheap. I never use shoe cleaning products. Instead, I clean and polish shoes with inexpensive baby wipes. They do a fantastic job of removing dirt and grime, and they leave shoes shiny and clean.

Makeup Remover

Since baby wipes are made especially for the tender skin of babies, they’re not drying to the skin. I use petroleum jelly to remove eye makeup, and I use baby wipes to clean my face and remove foundation and blush. They’re not too harsh and they leave my skin feeling refreshed and exceptionally clean.

Cobweb Removal

Cobwebs aren’t always easy to remove, especially from corners or next to rough ceilings. Instead of using a dry rag on a yard stick, use a baby wipe. Baby wipes grab onto dust webs and hold on tight. Give baby wipes a try when it’s time to remove cobwebs. You’ll never use dry dust covered rags again!

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