Electricity and Non-Electrical Lighting for Your Storage Shed

With the addition of electricity, storage sheds are for more than just storage. Electricity can turn a shed into a home office, extra bedroom, workshop, craft room, and more. Consider the following when planning to add electricity to your storage shed.

Electrical Lighting

You can add electricity to a storage shed already built. If you haven’t built your storage shed yet, consider adding electricity, even if you aren’t sure you will need it. It’s easier to add electricity during the construction process than it is to add it later.

Plan the best places for electrical outlets by determining where you will most conveniently plug-in items, tools, and equipment. Keep the locations of workbenches and the traffic flow inside your storage shed in mind.

Place interior light switches inside, near the entry door, so you won’t have to maneuver through a dark storage shed to find the light switch.

If you desire exterior “porch” lighting for your storage shed, install that light switch near your interior light switch.

While adding electricity to your storage shed, also consider installing phone and internet connections.

Keep the ceiling height in mind when choosing the light fixture for the inside of your storage shed. If you store tall items that take up ceiling space, select a light fixture that will not get in the way.

If you just temporarily need electricity in your storage shed, you can always use an extension cord powered by an outlet in your house.

Non-Electrical Lighting

If you need lighting in your storage shed, but don’t have or don’t want to install electricity, consider non-electrical lighting.

Sunlight is the cheapest form of non-electrical lighting. By installing windows, you provide natural light without the cost of installing electricity.

Skylights added to the roof provide lots of light. Place your skylights strategically to best utilize the light.

Solar lights, powered by a battery, solar panel, and sunlight, are common as exterior lighting. Solar powered lights are also available for interior use and can illuminate the inside of your storage shed well.

Battery powered lights, including flashlight type lanterns, can provide plenty of light inside your storage shed. Don’t forget to turn them off so your batteries don’t die and be sure to keep them near the entry for easy access.

Crank type lighting will work for lighting the inside of your storage shed. The disadvantage of crank lighting is that you have to crank up the light before it will work and may have to stop during a project to go crank the light again.

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