How to Paint ceiling corners

Painting ceiling corners can prove to be a difficult job when you’re painting your house, shop, garage or any other place. The adjoining section of the walls along with the roof can prove to be a tight angle to paint, as it involved careful application of the paint. Whether you’re painting with rollers or with brushes, you cannot seem to get it right, nor you can leave the corner unpainted.

It’s necessary that you learn to apply the right technique around the corners, as the application of paint there is more technical then we presume it to be. The roller is a perfect option to paint walls and ceilings alike. However, it fails to work around the corners, as it’s not a plane surface to paint on.


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    First of all you need to establish the precautionary measures for painting the ceiling corners. Use a painter's blue tape to mask-off the ceiling from the wall. The usage of the blue tape can prove to be very effective as it helps in the stopping the paint from dripping down to the walls, and ruin the painting texture there, created by an imbalance of the paint quantity on the surface. Don't rush in this step, take your time to properly and carefully paste a straight line using the tape, so that you don't have to face difficulty later on.

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    Ensure that you have all the necessary tools in order to get the job done. Painting the walls or ceiling might be easy, but the corners are not. Get yourself a ladder that can bear your weight, as well as the brush with the right size.

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    Use a small bucket to pour the paint into, so that you can climb the ladder while holding on to that bucket for painting the corners. Make sure that you mixed the paint thoroughly to avoid further problems.

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    Use the paint brush to load moderate amounts of paint on it. Be careful not to overload it with the paint, which might cause problems like dripping on the floor. Moreover, paint against the blue tape, instead of towards it so that the paint doesn't drip below it. Remember, it's important to use the right technique while painting otherwise you might end up with a messy surrounding.

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    Paint a second coat in place over the first one, so that the corners have the necessary amount of paint to last till the next paint. Make sure that the corners have the same amount of paint applied as on the ceiling to avoid distinction.

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    Once you're done, do not remove the blue tape immediately. Give the paint 24 hours to dry up, and then lift the blue tape. Be careful while pulling the tape so that you don't ruin the paint.

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