How to Peel a Mango

Mangoes are delicious tropical fruits that rank among the most popular and delicious world round. Native to the Indian subcontinent (thank you as always India), the fruit is born from trees that stand tall and thrive in warm and humid temperatures.

Peeling a mango well is something that has trumped many who are not native to the areas known for mangoes or simply have not eaten enough to have the know-how. Luckily, it is quite an easy process and with a bit of practice, once can become very good at it.

The following guide will explain the complete process involved in peeling your mango.


  • 1

    Right Side

    First and foremost, prior to cutting one must determine the correct angle to cut the mango at. Line up the fruit so that the narrow profile is visible to you so that the flat and wide side is held in your hand.

  • 2

    Place and Cut

    Using the stem as your centre point, place your knife as close to the right side of the centre as possible to avoid the pit or seed of the fruit. Once you have determined a spot you are comfortable with, slice down with your knife.

    If you hit the seed, remove your knife slice down slightly further out.

  • 3

    Repeat Other Side

    Once you have made the first cut, it will give a strong impression of where and how large the seed is. Turn the fruit over, this time holding the centre and cutting the other side off.

    Set the knife at the point you determine to be just outside the seed and slice down fully once again.

  • 4

    Score and Remove

    Using your knife, cut into the flesh of each half of the fruit, making sure to cut the flesh but not pierce the skin of the fruit. You will need one cut from top to bottom and two across creating 6 similar sized pieces.

    Use a spoon to  remove these pieces from the fruit.

    Repeat for the other half of the fruit.

  • 5


    If you hate wasting awesome fruit and wish to salvage what is left do as follows. Carefully remove the skin  surrounding the flesh and use your knife to slice off the flesh around the seed.

    It may be a little messy, but very worth it.

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