A Good Rant Can Improve Health and Lead to Success

1. Improve Your Mental Health
A good healthy rant is one way to reduce stress. Whether written or spoken aloud it’s good to get things that bother us off our chests. Holding in grievances and anger can lead to depression. You can also find the list of things which bother you building up to the point where you release anger and annoyance inappropriately – to the wrong person or at the wrong time. A good healthy rant can clear the air or simply your head. Whether delivered to a friend or acquaintance who’s willing to listen or completed in privacy, it’s a healthy outlet.

2. Gain new friends and admirers
Ever heard someone go off on a subject that bothers you as well? Didn’t you admire them for their courage or feel relieved to find someone smart enough to share your point of view? Hearing or reading someone else expressing just what you think and feel on a certain topic can be almost as cathartic as delivering the rant yourself. This is the key to several well known comedians’ and authors’ careers. If you’ve got a penchant for delivering good natured rants – particularly at the smokers’ hangout at work – don’t be surprise if people feel they’ve bonded with you and you experience a subsequent upsurge in popularity. Universal experiences aren’t always shared openly but when someone does put them out there eloquently it’s appreciated by all.

3. Hone your comedy skills
As mention above, many of the best comedians’ famous routines are actually well-delivered rants on things that bug them about society and daily living. Good delivery combined with the fact that the same things bug alot of us has meant career success for many stars. Try writing or working out your rants verbally (Yes, it’s OK to talk to yourself.) with an ear towards making them humorous. You may be surprised at just how funny you can be or how good your comedic timing is. Everyone appreciates a good laugh. It really is the best medicine. It reduces stress, improves health, and keeps you young. You may also find after you’ve ranted about something trivial for ten minutes that you have the marvelous ability to laugh at yourself. Congratulations!

4. Find the next topic for your blog
Most blog writing – that isn’t straight-up marketing – is ranting about one thing or another. If you’re stuck for something to write about, think about what annoys you and rant away! You’re almost guaranteed to get alot of comments.

5. Find the subject of your next book
If you’re highly skilled at ranting and can go on and on, you may have a book in you. See if you can take the main points, break them down into manageable pieces, and organize them into topics for book chapters. Then get writing! You will probably want to use your more serious rant material for a project like this – unless you’re interested in writing humor.

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