Animal Cruelty vs Domestic Violence: Which is More Important in Our Society

It is sad we have allot less women shelters in the United States than we do animal shelters. It is felony to be cruel to animals. It is a misdemeanor for domestic violence. What is wrong with this picture? It appears that the law thinks that a animal is more important than a human being.

Most people realize that being abusive to an animal is wrong, but yet they still tolerate women and children getting abused. Why do they think that a animal is more important? I have no idea. Most of us know for sure without a doubt that a human is more important than a animal.

We as a society often sometimes still believe the myths that people talk about regarding abuse. The majority of us either looks the other way or most often blame the victim. As long as we keep believing that the victim somehow provokes the abuser then basically the abuse laws will remain the same.

In order for us to get more strict abuse laws we need to not tolerate abuse anymore despite what we have been trained to believe over the years. We need to notify the proper authority to deal with it.

Victims are often afraid to speak out about it. Victims don’t want their name all over the morning newspaper or deal with the emotional painful process of the court process to put the abuser in jail. They often feel traumatized all over again because victims often get blamed for the abuse cause of the result something said or did. It is never a victims fault regardless of what she or he may have said or did.

More people would speak out about abuse if they knew they wouldn’t be blamed for it. If they knew that wouldn’t be put through emotional torture again. If they knew that the abuser wouldn’t be able to hurt them ever again.

Often the law fails to protect victims because the abuser will go after the victim once they get out of jail. The law notifies the victims when the abuser gets released from jail, but it doesn’t protect the victim from being abused all over again. Restraining Orders mean nothing to an abusive person. They simply don’t care at all about the law. Abusers don’t care about the law they show it by being abusive.

We need to get more strict laws to protect the victim from the abuser before jail and after the abuser gets out of jail. We need to help victims of abuse feel more comfortable about coming forward to talk about abuse without feeling afraid of what the abuser will do or without feeling afraid of other people around them reactions.

We need more women shelters in the United States. We need more properly trained police officers and court systems that know how to deal with victims of abuse without blaming them. Every woman and child deserves to have a normal life along with feeling safe and also comfortable without worry.

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