Battle of the Sexes: What’s it Gonna Take?

Men make great fire-fighters, women make great sewers. Talk to the females if you need a nifty cross-stitch piece, talk to males if you want to indulge in alcohol. Though, since the early 1900’s, females have the right to vote, and are regarded as ‘equals’, what exactly does that mean? And, more importantly, is there a diffference between men and women?

As a female, I will be frank right now: I like males better than females. That’s partially due to my heterosexual nature, but also because I grew up around a primarily female family, and somehow I just correlate and connect better to those of the male persuasion. It’s been my feeling that a man, will tell it like it is. For example, I have no problem telling a Man off, if he’s being rude, impartial or whathaveyou. Woman, on the otherhand, scare me more than anything. Because they do have a tendency to be back stabbers. Tell a woman how you really feel? And you will get the ice cold knife to the heart, almost instantaneously.

I am not sexist, because I say these things doesn’t mean I don’t embrace the feminine mystique. True, in the 1950’s, woman were put through a LOT. Let’s talk nuclear family, shall we? Picture being a housewife, 24/7, taking care of hubby’s feet after a long hard day at the office, hustling the kids around, and taking excess amounts of Valium (to prove to yourself that being a house wife *is* what you want to do). It’s not pretty. Betty Friedan, the author of Feminine Mystique told it straight when she explained colleges and universities as place where women could *find* the perfect man (or rather the perfect paycheck).

Now, there is still a glass ceiling, and true, women do get paid less for work. But why is that? Why is it, that the beligerrant male can make it as a CEO (which is quite common), but a woman of the same mantra, is hard to find?

Because, it is in my opinion, that society wants it to stay the way it was in the Dark Ages. Look around, look at our society, our nation, and you’ll see what I mean. Our current president was voted into office partially on his “value system”, a value system supported by those like Senator Rick Santorum, a Senator that thinks homosexuality is tres horrible, and that marriage is the “savory” institution. Our current administration needs females to stay at home to take care of the chillun, not to be a buisness woman or a polititician.

Did you forget about World War II and Rosie the Riverter? When the men went over to fight, the women took hold in all the industry jobs-because women DO have what it takes.

So, then, what’s with all the feminazisms? And, why do I still have issues with women? Because they’re not standing up for themselves, they’re allowing themselves to be generalized by a society that holds Puritanical feelings at heart; they’re not allowing themselves to be who they want to be. And that’s just it, we (even I!) should not place Male and Female in the perspective of ‘good’ or ‘bad’. We’re all just people at heart.

Frankly, as a woman I wish I could find a few female chums to beat around the bush, but frankly, they’re more interested in lipstick, Neiman Marcus and the latest trend from Vogue. Who gives a shit? When the world is falling apart around you, do something! Do whatever it takes to keep your head above water. I know woman are the fiery bunch, and men are the subservient bunch, but cannot we just be people at heart?

In a world slashed with war, natural disaster, homophobes, racists and the like, we owe it to ourselves, whether we be male or female, to stand up and take hold. As people, as individuals, as a society and a community.

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