Buying Guide to Baby Cribs

Among the myriad of necessary purchases that need to be made when a little one is on the way, a crib might just be the most important one. Most cribs are basically the same and serve the same purpose, but there is a little more to it than that.
A crib is a pretty big purchase, so spend your money wisely. Check out cribs that will last you awhile, such as ones that convert to toddler beds. A lot of conversion crib will go from crib to toddler bed, to day bed, to full size bed, growing with your child. These conversion cribs cost a little more, but in the long-run, you’ll be saving a lot of money on beds and mattresses.

A crib that’s rail arches high in the back might be of more value than asthetic pleasure. When your child reaches the age where they start crawling out of their crib at night (and they all do at some point), you would simply turn the crib around, putting the lower railing side against the wall, effectively keeping them inside their crib. It’s a handy little trick that can really only be utilized with this type of crib. Peace of mind is worth it.

Another thing to take into account is the actual size of the crib. A round crib or an overly large one may not be the best choice for a small room. Measure the space where you plan to have the crib BEFORE heading out to the stores. Compare those measurements with that of those you’re interested in.

Many cribs come equipped with a bottom storage drawer which slides on metal rails. Instead of just stuffing things under the crib, you could use this feature to store sheets and blankets and not have to head off to the hallway closet for them.

Make sure that the crib has adjustable mattress positions. As your child grows older, you will need to lower mattress down further to keep them from climbing out. This is a pretty standard feature on most cribs, but make sure before you come home with a crib and discover you cannot lower the mattress.

Not all cribs are equipped with a railing that slides up and down. While its not necessary that they have a rail, you’ll be sorry if you didn’t buy a crib that doesn’t have one. Setting your baby gently down in their comfy crib is a little more difficult when you have to raise them higher in your arms before setting them down. You should also check to see if the crib has stabilizer bars to keep it stable and sturdy.

Most people buy or are given a mobile for the crib. Mobile’s keep babies entertained and help them drift off to sleep. They are usually chosen with care to match the theme of the room. Look carefully at crib’s to see whether or not someone’s gift is going to go to waste. Some cribs have thin colonial-style rails and design and putting an adorable mobile or a diaper bag on the crib is an impossibility.

Some of the most beautiful cribs are simple and easy to assemble. Look to the display model to try and visualize how it comes together. If you can’t, either ask an employee or check online reviews of the crib you are interested in. Online reviews are extremely helpful when it comes to your decision on a crib. Consumers will let you know what they did or did not like about the crib, how easy it was to assemble, etc. Your fellow consumers are a valuable resource and they are more than happy to relay their experiences with a specific brand or model.

Now with all this in mind, start your search for the perfect crib. Evaluate potential cribs based on price, features, and the sturdiness. Obviously, look for the best value that encompasses a reasonable price with the features you want that also meets or exceeds your safety standards.

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