Chalkboard Drawer Organizer

Clear, plastic boxes
Black vinyl or chalkboard contact paper
Chalk or permanent marker

Who would have thought that something like a piece of chalk could help you get your bathroom, kitchen, or other drawers organized? No more clutter, no more searching for something that you know is in the drawer, but being unable to find it. Get everything neat, tidy, and organized by using a piece of chalk in the bottom of the selected drawer. You’ll have trouble understanding why you haven’t done it before now.

How the inside bottom of the particular drawer looks will matter when it comes to making a chalkboard organizer. If the bottom has no shelf paper, or smooth, flat paper, it could work fine. Since you’ll be drawing and writing with chalk, create a bottom-of-the-drawer setup – one that works well with chalk. One of the best options is to install a piece of black vinyl or chalkboard contact paper in the bottom of the drawer.

With the drawer empty, draw rectangles, circles, squares, or other shapes, to create the organizer that you like. Make one compartment for lipsticks, one for your compact, one for your tweezers and clippers. Make another drawer for makeup brushes, one for cotton swabs, and one for hair ties. Create compartments to house the items that you normally use. When you’re happy with the way you have it all done you can then start putting the items back into the drawer.

Clear, plastic boxes, or clear drawer dividers, work well to hold all of your items while still allowing you to see the chalkboard writings. Set each box over one of the chalkboard writings and you’ll be able to see it through the box divider.

The chalkboard organizer isn’t just for things in the bathroom. Do a similar arrangement in the kitchen, in a baby’s dresser drawer, or in your own drawer – to store jewelry. Quick and easy to make, the chalkboard organizer is sweet way to get things neat and tidy without having to go out to purchase a more expensive organizer.

If you want to create the look of the chalkboard organizer, but want to make it permanent, you can use a white marker instead of ordinary chalk. But chalk – in any color – offers you the ability to reorganize and change the compartments any time you want. Drawers in your homes will be shockingly tidy – just the way you like them!

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