Choosing Godparents for Your Child

Tragedy tends to strike when it is least expected. Sometimes accidents and illnesses happen. Sometimes those that they happen to are parents, leaving behind a child, or children. Someone needs to step up to take care of that child, or those children who are now parentless. When you choose your child’s Godparents you are choosing someone who will care for your child, or children, should tragedy strike you.

The first step to having Godparents for your child is to choose who they will be. Who do you think would most adequately care for your child? Who would raise your child the way that you would want them to be raised? The Godparents you choose should be people that you know well. People who you truly trust. People who are honest and decent. People who will take good care or your child should you not be there to.

Once you know who you’d like your child’s Godparents to be you can move on to the next step. Letting them know. Most likely they will feel very special that you have chosen them and accept the role with pleasure and gratitude. Thank them much, and cherish your relationship with these people, they are your closest friends or family 🙂

Next comes the legal part. Your decision needs to be put into your will to be effective if the time ever comes. It is true that everyone should have a will. A will lets you decide how you want things to happen or proceed in the event of your passing. This includes who you want to care for your children. If you choose Godparents but do not put them in your will there is a chance that your children may go to some one else.

Noone wants to think about their own death. Certainly noone wants to think about what will happen to their kids in the event of their own death. However, some things do need to be thought about and decided, just in case. Once you have this done you will not have to do it again. Choosing Godparents for your children protects them should tragedy ever strike.

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