Clean a Dirty Coffee Maker with Denture Tablets

Coffee makers can get very dirty with use. The more you use your coffee maker the more dirt can build up in it and keep the coffee maker from working its best. A dirty coffee maker is a slow coffee maker and if the coffee maker is not cleaned it can stop working all together. Every coffee drinker knows that if they don’t have coffee then their day is just not going to be right.

Hard water can leave mineral deposits in a coffee maker faster then soft water can. If you have hard water you may have to clean out your coffee pot more then if you had soft water. Mineral deposits can make your coffee maker slow and they can make coffee taste different.

If your coffee maker is going slow then if may be time to clean the coffee maker. You can buy a chemical cleaner made especially for cleaning your coffee maker. Commercial coffee makers work well and clean a coffee maker well. You can also run vinegar through a coffee maker to clean it out. Another alternative to cleaning a coffee maker is to clean the coffee maker with denture tablets.

To clean a coffee maker using denture tablets just drop two denture tablets into the tank and fill the tank with water. Run your coffee maker until it is done and then dump out the water in the pot. After you have run a pot of water through the coffee maker with the denture tablets then run two rinse cycles through the coffee maker.

When you are done your coffee maker should be running smooth and faster. The coffee brewed in the coffee maker should taste better then it did when the coffee maker was dirty.

When you clean a coffee maker with denture tablets the denture tablets fizz away the mineral deposits and clean out bacterial as well. Denture tablets are designed to clean and disinfect dentures and that is when they will do for a coffee maker.

Denture tablets are an easy and effective method of cleaning a coffee maker. They are economical since denture tables are inexpensive. If you wear dentures you probably have some denture tablets around the house that you could use to clean a coffee maker.

Next time you need to clean a coffee maker, consider using some denture tablets. Denture tablets do a great job cleaning dentures and they can clean a coffee maker as well.

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