Collectible Display Cases for Your Wall

Collectibles are a hot commodity in today’s world. Some of them are worthwhile, some are mere trinkets, but all collectibles need a place to be displayed. Display cases for collectibles are expensive but you can easily make the cases yourself. Craft stores carry a wide variety of trinket boxes that are perfect for making the display cases. Boxes can be found made of wood, plastic, stiffened fabric and other types. They also come in many different shapes to suit most any collector of small nick-knacks.

Decide on the size that best fits the type of collectibles you have. Purchase eight of them to make your wall hanging. Glue four boxes together, side-by-side and let dry. The last box on the end will be the first box on the side. Glue three more boxes under it, one under the other. The last box of that row will be the right side of the bottom row. Glue three more boxes together, side-by-side and attach them to the bottom box. Now glue two boxes together between the top left and bottom left boxes. Instead of the two boxes on each side opt for one long box on each side for a different look and to hold taller pieces.

Make the arrangement with tiny boxes for a thimble collection or larger sizes for holding model cars. For a large collection align the wall boxes by making two or more of the design shown above, then attach them side-by-side, or vertically, on the wall. You can also set the boxes on top of a set of cupboards, like in the kitchen, glued or separately.

The smaller boxes make a perfect “molding” for a room in your home. Simply align the boxes around the top section of the walls by gluing them together or hanging them separately. For collections where all pieces are not the same size make a different design such as three small boxes then one larger one. Give the boxes more character by attaching small novelties, that suit the theme of the collection, onto the boxes, here and there. For example, if your collection is of various ceramic lighthouses glue small wooden anchors, helms, and seahorses at different places on the wooden boxes.

Purchase round boxes to make an even more unique collectible display case. The round boxes are only appropriate for certain collectibles, such as tiny stuffed animals. Start by attaching small boxes around one center box, all the same size. Or, start with a large round box in the middle and surround it by smaller boxes, making a ring of even smaller ones next.

Another display design you can make looks like a set of stairs. The great thing about this design is that the pieces don’t have to be glued together. Purchase small squares of wood and hang them on the wall like steps. Hang the first one vertically then hang one horizontally. Continue that pattern until you have the steps the size you wish. Decorate the steps by purchasing wagon wheels or another wooden novelty and gluing them where the two step corners meet. This can also prevent the nick-knacks from easily being knocked off the shelf.

You don’t have to go to the craft store to make the display boxes. If you regularly get something in the mail that comes in the same size box each time save them to make the wall arrangement. Glue them together and hang just as if they were wooden. The boxes can be decorated with dimensional paints, metallic paint types, or even wallpaper.

You can also make the arrangements out of wooden baskets. Square or rectangular baskets, with no handles, are the best designs to use for this project. Glue them together and hang like the wooden boxes.

Display cases are expensive, but when you make your own, you not only save money but you also get to have pride in your unique design and talent. And the display cases, after assembled by you, make great gifts, too.

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