Consciousness and Intelligence

After researching the mind and consciousness under hypnosis, with Dr Lawrence Follas author of ”Hypnosis and the Higher Self,” I developed the ability to connect with awareness and knowledge that did not come from any academic study. I was able to understand and accept this new awareness without my previous beliefs interfering. In 1988, after completing the research I was able to transcend to a different level of consciousness, whilst remaining consciously aware. In transcending, I become aware of the details pertaining to understanding the human condition.

The research was the catalyst that has enabled me to perceive reality, in a totally new way. I was then able to create and facilitate seminars pertaining to the inner dynamics, active within the conscious mind. Assisting the participants to understand the dynamics of their existence enabled them to change their perception. They could then understand aspects of their thinking and behavior that were causing them to create and experience inner confusion.

Consciousness exists within the mind, because the mind exists within consciousness. The very essence of consciousness is awareness and intelligence, and the absolute intelligence within consciousness is the intellect. Everything that is, exists within its unique level of consciousness, and each level of consciousness has a distinctive level of awareness and intelligence. Consciousness gives the mind the ability to be aware and to have intelligent awareness, but for the mind to be intellectually intelligent, it has to connect with the intelligence within the intellect.

Observing is a faculty of the mind, but it is the intelligence within consciousness that both initiates and enables intelligent observation. What interferes with this process, of formulating and maintaining intelligent observation is the reactive and egotistical nature of the personality; its emotional reactivity projects its inner reality into every observation. The personality actually invalidates the intelligence within the personal mind, as it dominates the mind to ensure its desires, demands and needs be met. It achieves this by subduing the intelligence within the mind; its motive for doing this is it has a deep inner need to be constantly in control of what it is experiencing. Within its self-created reality the personality creates and maintains its faulty perception of reality.

Consciousness gives the mind the ability to have intelligent awareness, and to make intelligent decisions. Within the mind, the faculty to observe is active, and because of this activity the mind is able to structure its observation; intermittently, the mind reflects on the observation and this gives it the possibility to have clarity. Both observing and reflecting are unconscious mind activity; being reflective creates the ability to determine if the conclusiveness of the original observation, pertaining to any existing situation or circumstance is intelligently appropriate or unintelligent and inappropriate.

Inner reality is predominately experienced through feelings and emotions; the intensity of the emotions experienced is in direct response to the force of the feelings, and all feelings activate an emotional response. Emotional activity is a response to having feelings, so the cause is feelings, and the effect is emotional response. The interactive duality of feelings and emotions, create the emotional reality, and if the emotional response is activated by the intelligent mind, it is usually of a more positive nature.

It is the personality that provokes varying degrees of emotional reaction, and these reactions can often have negative consequences. The individual’s inner reality is naturally experienced under the domination of their personality, and their personality’s reality is naturally processed through the feelings and emotions it is experiencing. The personality is primarily focused on how it is feeling about everything it is experiencing, and because of this, it is responsible for its emotional reactions; through its emotional reactions the personality both creates and experiences its emotional reality.

What limits an individual’s ability to absorb the intellectual intelligence that comes from the intellect is their capacity to absorb and understand intellectual intelligence. But what really interferes with the individual using their personal level of intelligence and their intellectual intelligence, is the emotional reactions activated by their personality. Emotional reaction impairs judgement, and diminishes the individual’s ability to be intelligently aware, or intellectually intelligently aware. Intelligence is a faculty of the mind, but as the individual experiences the duality of feelings and emotions within their mind, the force of the interactivity of the feelings and emotions can disrupt the ability to be intelligent.

Because of the interactive dynamics within the mind, individual existence is predisposed to being experienced, through feelings and the intensity of the emotional reactions to feelings. Feelings are the basic language of the human condition. When the individual maintains their inner stability, their intelligent awareness, logical reasoning and intellectual intelligence becomes more active. If the needs, desires and emotional reactions of the personality are subdued, personal intelligence maintains the individual’s functionality. The mind has rationality, if its inner stability is maintained, but if the personality is influencing the individual, it corrupts the intelligence within their mind; the intelligent awareness of logical reasoning is then rejected and dismissed. Subduing the irrational nature of the personality has a balancing effect, and personal intelligence can then be absorbed and implemented. What is possible to be achieved is not lost, if intelligent awareness is maintained and implemented.

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