Creating Searchable Websites and Articles: NicheBOT for Keyword and Title Selection

When posting a website to the Internet, the intent of most writers and website designers is to construct the site in a manner that will insure that the site will be seen, and furthermore, that it will be seen by the people that it was designed to attract. Whether the information that the website is looking to impart to the public is for the purpose of conveying personal, political, or ideological information, of soliciting a response or responses, of selling a product or a service, or of the intent to sell the writing or other creative work on the site itself, the information will not reach its audience if no one can find it.

The first rule of designing a website or a page to be posted to a site is that the site be constructed in a manner that will make it searchable by the public. This means that when choosing titles, headlines, sub-headlines, and keywords for the site, page, or article, the writer is careful to construct the text in those titles and keywords so that it will be comprised of words or phrases that are likely to be typed into the query bar of a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or Ask Jeeves, and with enough specific information to communicate that will make it stand out from the countless other websites currently available on the Internet for just about every topic imaginable. For instance, a person with a website about massage can fine tune the title of their site. A topic like “therapeutic massage” will get lost in about 10,000 other pages with “therapeutic massage” in their titles, but “therapeutic massage in Pawtucket, RI” or “therapeutic massage for treatment of depression” would grab a more prominent place in the results of people searching for those specific criteria.

So, how does a writer or website designer know if they’ve go a good, searchable title or set of keywords for their article or site? Well, until recently there was a fair amount of guesswork involved in the process. However,, and some other websites like it, when used correctly, are turning the process into a science and guaranteeing website posters a certain amount of assurance that their sites will be seen.

Established in 1996, is a search engine optimizer (SEO), which is a tool that can be utilized to help writers and web designers get the most out of their keyword and title choices in a very competitive Internet market. By typing the keywords that are intended to be included in the title or headline of a site or page into the search bar of the main page, NicheBOT will provide the searcher with instant data regarding the number of times that particular word combination was searched by Internet users over the past twelve months, the number of websites currently available which are already utilizing those particular keywords in their titles, the number of pages utilizing the exact keyword phrase that was typed in, and the mathematic ratio of the keyword choice, which calculates how many sites exist per number of times the particular keyword combination was searched.

The results of a NicheBOT search are surprisingly easy to interpret, even for users who are not terribly tech savvy. A keyword combination that yields NicheBOT results which are low in the count category, suggesting that there is a relatively small number of searches currently being performed on the chosen keywords, and rates high in the ratio column, showing that despite the low level of traffic the keywords generate there are already a disproportionately high number of sites currently available, would represent a combination of keywords that is already saturated in the Internet market and would be unlikely to generate much user traffic to the site in question. However, a keyword combination that produces a high number of search counts and a low ratio of available sites taking advantage of the potential site traffic is an excellent choice for website and article keyword and title inclusion.

As of April 2006, there are in excess of 80 million websites on the Internet (, covering every topic under the sun. Utilizing, or other search engine optimizers like it, can help you to ensure that writers and website designers make the most of the information they have to impart.

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