Cure Yourself with Cayenne Pepper

1. Cure Muscle Aches and Pains
Cayenne Pepper contains a powerful ingredient called Capsaicin. Capsaicin is the ingredient that gives peppers their hotness. Creams that contain between .025 – .075% Capsaicin are known to reduce the aches and pains that Arthritis, Neuralgia, and Bursitis cause.
2. Help Restore Circulation
Cayenne Pepper, when it’s ground into a powder, can be sprinkled into shoes or boots to help keep your feet warm. It can also be used to cure frostbite. The Capsaicin in the pepper stimulates your blood flow and restores circulation.
3. Cure Digestive Problems
Do you suffer from stomach problems or indigestion? Drinking a glass of water with a little less than an eighth of a teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper in it can cure these common ailments. Or, you can sprinkle a little Cayenne Pepper on your food at every meal.
4. Soothe A Pounding Headache
You can cure yourself of headaches with Cayenne Pepper too. Just rub a dab of Capsaicin cream on your temples. Or, try using a nasal spray that contains the heat-producing Capsaicin ingredient.
5. Relieve A Toothache
If a toothache is bothering you, pour a bit of Cayenne Pepper oil on a piece of cotton. Press the cotton all over the aching tooth and the surrounding gum. The toothache should subside after a couple of minutes
6. Soothe Painful Sprains
Creams that contain between .025 – .075% Capsaicin are helpful in soothing the pain of sprains too. Or, you can make your own rub by boiling a tablespoon of Cayenne Pepper Powder in a pint of apple cider vinegar.
7. Zap the Cold Bug
Feel a cold coming on? Then, why not cure yourself with Cayenne Pepper? It can be taken to cure sore throat, coughs, and fevers. Cayenne Pepper is also packed full of Vitamin C, another fighter of colds and infections.
8. Cure Fatigue
Get rid of that tired feeling and cure yourself by eating or taking Cayenne Pepper and Ginseng. Cayenne can help your body get back on track and back to its normal levels of energy. It contains Vitamin A, B and C, as well as Calcium and Potassium, which are both very beneficial to your heart.
9. Stop Minor Bleeding
You can cure yourself with Cayenne Pepper if you have a minor cut or scrape that’s bleeding. Simply sprinkle some Cayenne powder right on the wound.
10. Cure Constipation
Drinking a glass of water with a little less than an eighth of a teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper in it can also help cure Constipation. Or, you can sprinkle a little Cayenne Pepper on your food at every meal. The Cayenne Pepper will help stimulate your sluggish bowels and your entire digestive tract.