Devils Den of Wrights Mountain Tourist Attraction

This new tourist attraction is in the northwest corner of our town approximately three to four miles from the village, called Devils Den of Wrights Mountain it is the highest elevation in Bradford being 2,100 feet above sea level , the mountain has quite a history the information about the mountain has been taken from The History of Bradford, according to the late Horace G. McDuffee whom was a longtime resident and practising surveyor back then, he was a graduate of Dartmouth College in 1861.

The mountain on the south and west sides are precipitous, consisting of almost perpindicular ledges of argillaceous slate, huge fragments of this ledge in the past mainly on the south side have fallen down one on another forming cavities/caves, the largest of which is called Devils Den. The town has over the past years held various fundraisers and charitable events , and raised enough income to make upgrades to the site with parking lots and well marked trails.

There are two trailheads, one on the north Wrights Mountain Road and one on the southeast for the Devils Den on Chasehollow Road both have parking areas but are not maintained in winter. There are several well marked trails in all intertwining thruout the forest , which contains many different types of rare plants (including the maidenhair spleenwart fern and pale jewelweed). Animals in the area: moose, deer, squirrel, porcupine, mice, ruffed grouse, red tailed hawk, rabbit , downy woodpecker, turkey.Many of which can be seen when hiking the trail to the den or other interesting areas of the mountain.

This year we have held several fund raising events in town and the towns people and others are considering other land purchases to preserve these areas before development takes place or prices rise to far above it being possible for the town to aquire these areas. With land costs rising and many remote areas getting developed this seems a must for many of us living in this part of Vermont.

There are maps available at the townhall and local shops in town, when you come to visit our town just ask any of the extremely friendly locals for a heartfelt welcome and clear precise directions to our newest recreational attraction Devils Den of Wrights Mountain.

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