Dreamweaver’s How to Guide for Beginners – Part 3

This is Part 3 of “Dreamweaver’s How to Guide for Beginners”. In this Guide I will show you how to:

Insert Flash Text
Remove the Underline From Links
Inserting the Date and Time in your Webpage
Adding a Pop up Message to your Webpage

So Let’s Begin….

Inserting Flash Text

Don’t know how to use Flash but want to insert Flash Text? No problem.. In dreamweaver you can insert Flash text in a few easy steps.

Step 1 – Open your Dreamweaver program.

Step 2 – Open the document that you want to insert the flash text in.

Step 3 – If you are using a blank document, go ahead and save it. (Ex. flashtext.html)

Step 4 – Place the mouse on the document where you want to insert the Flash text.

Step 5 – In the top of your Dreamweaver window click Insert > Media > Flash Text.

Step 6 – A dialog box will pop up.
Choose the Font that you want to use.
Choose the Font Size, Color, and if you want it to be a link, Choose the Rollover Color.
Type in the Text in the Text Field.
If you want it to be a link, type in the URL in the Link Field.
Choose your target if you chose for it to be a link.
Choose your background color. (Ex. The color of your background page)
You can leave the Save As Field text1.swf
Now click OK.

Now you have inserted Flash Text. Press F12 to preview it in a browser. To edit your Flash Text, simply click Edit in the Properties window.

How to Remove the Underline from a Link

To remove the underline from a link follow the steps below.

Step 1 – Locate the link that you want to remove the underline from.

Step 2 – In your Dreamweaver window at the top you will see Code, Split, Design. Click on Split. That way you can see your document and the HTML source.

Step 3 – Highlight the link with your mouse.

Step 4 – Now look in the HTML Source window and you should see the number sign being whatever the url link is.

Step 5 – Insert the following after ”
It should look like this..
Remove line is the name of my link.

Step 6 – Click anywhere on your document and your line will disappear.

Be sure you put a space between the ” and style.

Inserting the Date and Time in your Webpage

Inserting the Date and Time in your webpage can be done pretty easily using Dreamweaver.

Step 1 – Open the document that you want to insert the date and time on.

Step 2 – Place your mouse on the page where you want to insert it.

Step 3 – In the top of your Dreamweaver window click Insert > Date.

Step 4 – A dialog box will pop up. Select the Day Format, Date Format, Time Format, and check “Update automatically on save”
Click OK.

You’re done.. The date and time should appear on your document.

Adding a Pop up Message to your Webpage

There are many reasons that you can add a pop up message to your site. I will leave the reason up to you. Follow the steps below to add a pop up message on your webpage.

Step 1 – Open the document that you want to work with.

Step 2 – Select the text or image that you want to add the pop up effect to.

Step 3 – Go to the top of your Dreamweaver window and click Window > Behaviors.

Step 4 – In your Behaviors Panel click the Plus Sign. When the drop down window appears click Popup Message.

Step 5 – The Popup Message Dialog box will appear. Type in what you want your message to say in the pop up window and click Ok.

Step 6 – In the Behaviors Panel click on “OnClick” to apply the effect that you want. (Ex. On Mouse Over, On Mouse Down, etc.)

Step 7 – In the top of your Dreamweaver window click File > Save.

Press F12 to preview it in a browser. You can use this effect for many things. Just use a little imagination. 🙂

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