Earning the Trust of Online Shoppers

Earning the trust of consumers in the crowded and impersonal realm of eCommerce isn’t easy. But it can be done, say experts in retail, online security, and digital marketing.

Recently, the team at Register.com put forward a number of helpful tips to assist online retailers in their effort to secure the faith, trust, and business of consumers.

The most important suggestion? Make your security prowess well known.

“Today’s online shoppers are more conscience than ever about the security of websites they patronize. Understandably, consumers have no appetite for risk. So your website must not appear to present one,” the report reads. “Fortunately, securing enough trust to reach a transaction is as easy as touting the credibility of the payment gateway you’ve selected to process credit card payments.”

By informing shoppers on your site, for example, that payments are processed by North American Bancard – a well-known, secure, and reliable service provider – you can effectively piggyback on NAB’s sterling reputation in credit card payment processing, Register concludes. In that situation, “any lingering worries about security will quickly fade away.”

What else can be done to boost your trustworthiness among online shoppers? Check out the full report from Register to find out.

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