Easiest Ways to Keep Your PC Clean

There are very simple ways to get rid of spyware and viruses. But the easiest way to keep these pests out of your system is to prevent their entry in the first place.

The Internet is your friend. It is also the source of 99% of your computer problems. Checking your Internet connection settings can save all your precious data from being deleted. Check the properties of your connection device (wireless lan, Ethernet card, modem, etc.) and ensure your firewall is ON.

Do you know what a browser is? If you don’t, it’s that little icon you click to view webpages on the Internet. Click on that icon, please. You’re going to want to proceed up to the top of your browser and locate your standard toolbar. You’ll now want to click “tools” and proceed down and then click “Options” or “Internet Options”. Here you will find security settings, pop-up controls, site restrictions, and your favorite Internet treats…”Cookies”. You know the drill. Now start configuring. Make sure you block all pop-ups, restrict downloads to “ask before downloading”, and raise your security level to at least “medium”.

After you have your browser configured, you are 80% safe from viruses, spyware, malware, and hackers. You’ll still need more protection. Stop putting it off and get yourself some virus protection. Some of the more famous PC protectors are McAfee, Norton, and PC-cillin. Shop around and get the best protection for the price you want to pay. If you’re looking for free anti-virus programs, search around the net. Make it a priority that the virus scanner you finally install has up-to-date virus definitions that can downloaded from its servers.

For some of you that don’t want to run these virus programs all the time because they take up memory resources, you can download spyware scanners free of charge. Some of user’s favorite scanners can be downloaded separately or with a browser toolbar. One popular scanner is Yahoo’s Norton Spyware scanner, which can be conveniently found in a link on their search engine homepage. Still, with an iron fist, run regular PC scans with your preferred anti-virus protection program.

Prevention can be a person’s nightmare when they already have viruses and spyware on their system. Back-up your most important documents and make sure you are on a secure connection when transferring files over the Internet. Ensure your cherished virtual commodities’ survival by keeping unwanted eyes and ears off your system.

Spyware is the virus’s new little brother and can be more annoying than a garage full of bees. Thankfully, spyware is the easiest annoyance to be removed. Spyware Doctor is a reputable program that keeps up-to-date with most spyware infections. Of the many available spyware resources on the web, some infections have not been amended by a program yet. If you are having a problem with a specific spyware nuisance, someone else is having the same problem! Search on your favorite search engine and describe in detail the symptoms of your computer. From there, just follow the steps of the person who resolved the same issue.

For those of you who know what a registry is, you’ll need to clean it time-to-time. A good registry cleaning agent is Regclean. You could edit your computer’s registry yourself but you’ll be as dangerous as a virus!

Keep your files safe. Keep your computer clean. Save yourself some time.

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